Page 216 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 216

Effects of Global Warming

                 Following are the eff ects of global warming.

                     •  Mel  ng of glaciers: The increased global warming has resulted in the mel  ng of glaciers which
                        leads to the rise of sea level that will cause catastrophic fl oods in the future.

                     •  Climate change: Global warming has resulted in irregular weather pa  erns. Increased precipita  on
                        in the form of rain makes it diffi  cult for plants and animals to survive. This may cause plants to die
                        and animals migra  ng to other areas which result in an imbalance in the ecosystem.
                     •  Droughts: Increase in global warming causes large scale evapora  on of water which is a major
                        cause of droughts in several areas.

                     •  Crops: Due to change in seasons, weather pa  erns are aff ected thus resul  ng in change in the
                        pa  ern of crop cul  va  on (crop cycle).

                     •  Agriculture: Global warming can aff ect agriculture. Due to an increase in the global temperature,
                        plants will fi nd it harder to survive and will eventually die. This may result in shortage of food as
                        plants are a major source of food.
                 Causes of Increased Concentration of Carbon Dioxide

                 Following are the causes of increased concentra  on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
                     • Cu   ng down of trees (deforesta  on) leads to the accumula  on of carbon dioxide in the
                     • Air  pollu  on due to burning of fuels, industrial ac  vi  es and use of chemical weapons also
                        contributes to an increase in the concentra  on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

                 Measures to Balance the Concentration of Carbon Dioxide

                 It is important to adopt measures to balance the concentra  on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
                 Following are some of the measures that can be adopted.

                     •  More plants and trees should be planted.

                     •  Renewable sources of energy should be used.
                     • Consump  on of fossil fuels should be reduced.

                     •  Filters should be used in the chimneys of factories and powerhouses.

                 CARBON MONOXIDE

                 Carbon monoxide is an oxide of carbon and its molecular formula is CO. It is a highly poisonous and
                 fl ammable gas. Carbon monoxide is found in small quan    es in coal gas which is found in coal mines.
                 It is released in the atmosphere during volcanic erup  ons and also when carbon (charcoal) burns in the
                 presence of insuffi  cient supply of oxygen (air).
                                           2C      +       O                       2CO
                                         Carbon         Oxygen in             Carbon monoxide
                                                      limited supply

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