Page 207 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 207

Take a Break!

                     Write true (T) or false (F).
                      1.  The amorphous forms of carbon contain loosely held par  cles and hence have no
                          par  cular shape or structure.                                                        ______

                      2.  Wood charcoal is used as a reducing agent in extrac  on of non-metals from their
                          metallic ores.                                                                        ______

                      3.  Ac  vated charcoal is used as a fuel in various chemical reac  ons.                   ______
                      4.  Bone charcoal is a good decolourising agent.                                          ______

                      5.  Sugar charcoal is the purest available amorphous form of carbon.                      ______


                 Coke is a greyish-black, solid substance that burns without smoke. It is obtained by destruc  ve dis  lla  on
                 of coal. It contains about 95–98% carbon.
                 Types of Coke

                 Coke is of two types: hard coke and so   coke.
                 Hard coke: It is a light, lustrous substance used in industrial furnaces.

                 So   coke: It is a black, porous substance used in household furnaces.

                 While preparing coke through destruc  ve dis  lla  on of coal, a wide range of by-products are also obtained
                 such as coal gas, coal tar and gas carbon. Coke is a good reducing agent.

                 Uses of Coke

                     •  It is a very important household and industrial fuel.
                     •  Coke is used as a reducing agent in the extrac  on of some metals like zinc and iron from their ores.

                     •  It is used to manufacture water gas (CO + H ), producer gas (CO + N ) and ar  fi cial graphite.
                     •  It is used to prepare carbon monoxide which is also a very good reducing agent.
                     •  Coke is used to manufacture metallic carbides, for example, calcium carbide.

                 Gas Carbon

                 Gas carbon is a greyish substance obtained by destruc  ve dis  lla  on of coal. It is also obtained by hea  ng
                 petroleum products (or hydrocarbons) at a high temperature in a closed vessel. During this process,
                 carbon par  cles deposit on the walls of the container and are collected to form gas carbon.

                 Uses of Gas Carbon

                 Gas carbon is a good conductor of electricity. Therefore, it is used for making electrodes of dry cells and
                 carbon rods for arc lamps.

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