Page 194 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 194

9              Carbon and Its Compounds

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                   Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Occurrence of Carbon
                   •  explain the term allotropy.
                                                                                               •  Compounds of Carbon
                   •  describe diff erent allotropes of carbon.
                                                                                               •  Chemical Properties of
                   •  state the proper  es of graphite and diamond.
                   •  prepare carbon dioxide in a laboratory.
                                                                                               •  Allotropes of Carbon
                   •  describe the uses of carbon dioxide.
                                                                                               •  Carbon Dioxide
                   •  demonstrate diff erent reac  ons of carbon dioxide with lime water and    •  Carbon Monoxide
                      litmus solu  ons.

                                                            Warm Up Activity
                   What is the symbol of the element carbon?                          _________________

                   What is the valency of carbon?                                     _________________
                   Name any two compounds that consist of carbon.

                                               _________________   _________________

                 Carbon is the sixth element in the periodic table with symbol C and atomic number 6. One atom of carbon
                 has 6 electrons and 6 protons. Its nucleus also has 6 neutrons. Thus, its mass number is 12. It is a non-
                 metal. The name carbon is derived from the La  n word carbo which means coal. This is because carbon
                 is the main cons  tuent of coal.
                 A large number of things which we use in our daily life are made up       Elements like hydrogen, oxygen,
                 of carbon and its compounds. Our food, clothes, fuel, paper, wood,        carbon and nitrogen from which
                 plas  cs, etc. are all carbon compounds.                                  life has originated on earth are
                                                                                           called organogens.
                 Carbon is one of the organogens. It is also the major chemical
                 cons  tuent of complex biomolecules (DNA and RNA) which control
                 the transmission of characters from one genera  on to the next in living beings.

                 OCCURRENCE OF CARBON

                 Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe.
                 In nature, carbon occurs in both free and combined states.

                 In free state, carbon occurs as diamond and graphite. Another naturally
                 occurring form of carbon called fullerene has been discovered recently.             Fig. 9.1: Diamond

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