Page 189 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 189

4.  Potable water should __________________________.
                           (a)  be clear and transparent
                           (b) contain odour

                           (c)  have dissolved and suspended impuri  es
                           (d)  not contain minerals necessary for our body

                       5.  Which of these is the correct sequence of steps of purifi ca  on of water obtained from lakes or
                           (a) Sedimenta  on           Chlorina  on         Filtra  on

                           (b) Chlorina  on          Filtra  on       Sedimenta  on
                           (c) Sedimenta  on           Filtra  on        Chlorina  on

                           (d) Filtra  on         Chlorina  on        Sedimenta  on
                       6.  Which of the following is not an example of a colloid?

                           (a)  Smoke                                   (b) Fog
                           (c)  Sugar mixed with water                  (d)  Milk

                 E.  Write the answer as instructed.

                       1.  Write three uses of water.

                       2.  Name the sources of water.
                       3.  Name the processes by which water is added to the atmosphere.
                       4.  Name the main processes involved in the purifi ca  on of water.

                       5.  Write the uses of dis  lled water.

                       6.  Name the processes by which water can be purifi ed at home.
                       7.  Name the types of solu  on on the basis of the solute dissolved in the solvent.
                       8.  Write the factors aff ec  ng the forma  on of a solu  on.

                       9.  Name the types of solu  on on the basis of the size of the solute present in them.

                      10.  Name three hygroscopic substances.

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.

                       1.  Sources of water
                       2. Purifi ca  on of water

                       3. Classifi ca  on of solu  ons on the basis of the size of the solute present in them
                       4.  Causes of hardness of water

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1.  Water is essen  al for survival and existence of all living organisms.

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