Page 192 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 192


                   A.  How is the con  nuous exchange of water between land and atmosphere ensured?
                   B.  How are aqua  c animals able to survive in cold regions?

                   C.  How does addi  on of chemicals such as washing soda help to remove permanent hardness of water?

                   LIFE SKILLS

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Hard Water and So   Water’ in a group of two or three
                   students. Insert related informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per
                   your choice. Present it in the class.  (Teamwork)

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Biology
                   Discuss how contaminated water aff ects the health of people and cause various waterborne diseases. Use
                   the Internet to search for the related informa  on and create a Word document based on your observa  ons.
                   Insert related images and give it a suitable heading.

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on
                    Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Importance of Water in Our Lives’. Insert related
                    informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.

                    Making a Chart
                    Make a chart on the topic ‘True Solu  on, Suspension and Colloid’.  Draw or paste related images.

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