Page 174 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 174

Pure water, being transparent, allows light to pass through and helps aqua  c plants to carry out
                         photosynthesis. This feature also helps aqua  c animals to see under water.
                     •  Boiling point: Under normal pressure, pure water boils at 100°C and changes into steam. The
                         temperature remains constant   ll all the water has changed into steam. This constant temperature
                         is called boiling point. The boiling point of water varies with pressure in the following manner.

                           With decrease in pressure, the boiling point of water decreases. This is because when less
                             pressure is ac  ng on the surface of a liquid, the liquid can escape as water vapour more easily.
                             That is why, water boils at lower temperature in the hills, where the atmospheric pressure is
                             lower than in the plains. Hence, it takes a longer   me
                             to cook food in hilly regions.                                Thirst for Knowledge

                           With increase in pressure, the boiling point of water       Water has very high specifi c
                             increases. This is because when more pressure is           heat which means that it can
                             ac  ng on the surface of a liquid, the liquid cannot       absorb or lose much heat before
                             escape as water vapour easily. That is why, in a           its temperature changes. This is
                             pressure cooker the increased pressure raises the          important in main taining body
                             boiling point of water and food cooks faster.              heat in mammals.

                           Activity 8.2

                 Aim: To determine the boiling point of water
                 Materials required:  Some dis  lled water, a beaker, a tripod stand, a                          100°C
                 burner, a thermometer

                 Procedure                                                                                       boiling water
                   •  Pour some dis  lled water in a beaker.

                   •  Set up the apparatus as shown alongside. Ensure that the bulb of
                       the thermometer dips in the water and does not touch the sides of
                                                                                            Determining the boiling point of water
                       the beaker.
                   •  Note the temperature of water when it starts boiling.
                 Observa  on: Water starts boiling at 100° C. The temperature then becomes constant.

                 Conclusion: This shows that boiling point of pure water is 100° C.

                     •  Freezing point: Under normal pressure pure water
                                                                                        Thirst for Knowledge
                         freezes at 0°C and changes into ice. The temperature
                         remains constant   ll all the water has changed into     If there are impuri  es in water, then its
                         ice. This constant temperature is called  freezing       freezing point decreases and its boiling
                         point. With increase in pressure, freezing point of      point increases.
                         water decreases.

                 Let’s perform Ac  vity 8.3 to observe the eff ect of changing pressure on the freezing point of water.

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