Page 147 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 147

You will see that the solu  on becomes colourless.
                      The stage when the base is completely neutralised by the acid is the neutralisa  on point, i.e., when the
                      solu  on becomes completely pink.

                 C.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  Write the characteris  cs of chemical reac  ons.
                       2.  With the help of an ac  vity, show the forma  on of a precipitate during a chemical reac  on.
                       3.  Discuss the condi  ons that are necessary for chemical reac  ons to take place.

                       4.  Write a note on types of chemical reac  ons.
                       5.  With the help of an ac  vity, discuss the thermal decomposi  on of ammonium chloride.

                       6.  How is a precipita  on reac  on diff erent from a neutralisa  on reac  on?
                       7.  Write a note on redox reac  on explaining oxida  on, reduc  on, oxidising agent and reducing agent
                           with examples.
                       8.  Discuss the forma  on of acidic oxides and basic oxides.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                                                                           conical fl ask

                                                       sulphuric             hydrogen gas
                                                       acid                  bubbles
                                                                             zinc granules

                     1.  What does the image represent?
                     2.  What happens on adding the dilute sulphuric acid over zinc granules?

                   APPLY YOUR LEARNING                                        LIFE SKILLS

                   A.  When substance X is heated, carbon dioxide gas is      Iden  fy the chemical reac  ons  that
                      evolved. If this gas is passed through lime water, lime   take place in our daily lives. Discuss the
                      water turns milky. Name the substance X.                importance of these chemical reac  ons  in
                   B.  When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through blue-     our lives. On the basis of your observa  ons,
                      coloured copper sulphate solu  on, a solid substance    create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the
                      is formed. What is this substance called? Name the      topic ‘Chemical Reac  ons in Everyday Life’.
                      solid substance formed in this reac  on.
                                                                              (Cri  cal-thinking, Observa  on, Interpreta-
                   C.  Enzyme X present in the living cells of yeast helps
                                                                                on and Analysis)
                      in the fermenta  on of glucose in alcohol. Name the

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