Page 143 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 143

•  Various life processes taking place inside living beings are the result of biochemical reac  ons. Amylase,
                       trypsin, lipase, carbohydrases and pepsin are the most common enzymes present in our body.
                    •  According to the nature of chemical change, chemical reac  ons can be classifi ed into the following
                       types: combina  on or synthesis reac  ons, decomposi  on reac  ons, displacement reac  ons, double
                       displacement reac  ons and redox reac  ons (oxida  on-reduc  on reac  ons).
                    •  Burning of magnesium, reac  on of hydrogen and oxygen, reac  on of carbon and oxygen, hea  ng of
                       calcium, and reac  on of calcium oxide and water are some examples of combina  on reac  ons.
                    •  Decomposi  on reac  ons can be of the following types: thermal decomposi  on, electric decomposi  on
                       and photodecomposi  on.
                    •  Decomposi  on of limestone, potassium chlorate, copper hydroxide, ferrous sulphate, mercury (II)
                       oxide and lead nitrate on hea  ng are examples of thermal decomposi  on.
                    •  Decomposi  on of water, sodium chloride and aluminium oxide on passing of electricity are examples
                       of electric decomposi  on.
                    •  Decomposi  on of silver chloride and silver bromine on exposure to light are examples of
                       photodecomposi  on.
                    •  A more reac  ve metal displaces a less reac  ve metal from its compound during a displacement
                       reac  on. For example, zinc being more reac  ve displaces hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric acid and
                       forms zinc chloride.

                    •  Double displacement reac  ons are of two types: precipita  on reac  on and neutralisa  on reac  on.
                    •  Reac  on of barium chloride and copper sulphate, reac  on of sodium chloride and silver nitrate,
                       reac  on of lead nitrate and potassium iodide, and reac  on of sodium carbonate and lead nitrate are
                       some examples of precipita  on reac  on.
                    •  Reac  on of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, reac  on of potassium hydroxide and sulphuric
                       acid, reac  on of zinc oxide and nitric acid, reac  on of copper oxide and sulphuric acid, reac  on of
                       lead oxide and nitric acid, and reac  on of zinc hydroxide and sulphuric acid are some examples of
                       neutralisa  on reac  on.

                    •  Redox reac  ons consist of oxida  on and reduc  on reac  ons taking place simultaneously.
                    •  On the basis of vigour of reac  on of various metals with oxygen, water and acids, metals have been
                       arranged in a group of series. In reac  vity series, the most reac  ve metal is placed at the top whereas
                       the least reac  ve metal is placed at the bo  om.
                    •  Oxygen forms oxides by combining with metals and non-metals. We can produce oxides of metals by
                       hea  ng their ores. This can be done in two ways—calcina  on and roas  ng.
                    •  Oxides are of the following types: acidic oxides, basic oxides, amphoteric oxides and neutral oxides.


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.

                       1.  Substances taking part in a reac  on are called _____________ and substances produced in a reac  on
                           are called _____________.
                       2.  When zinc granules are added to dilute sulphuric acid, _________________ is evolved.

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