Page 141 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 141

ZnO(s)         +       2HCl(aq)                       ZnCl (aq)       +     H O(l)
                              Zinc oxide          Hydrochloric acid                 Zinc chloride          Water
                               ZnO(s)         +      2NaOH(aq)                     Na ZnO (aq)       +     H O(l)
                              Zinc oxide          Sodium hydroxide                 Sodium zincate          Water
                               Al O (s)       +      2NaOH(aq)                     2NaAlO (aq)       +     H O(l)
                           Aluminium oxide        Sodium hydroxide               Sodium aluminate          Water
                               Al O (s)       +      3H SO (aq)                    Al (SO ) (aq)     +    3H O(l)
                                                                                          4 3
                           Aluminium oxide          Sulphuric acid               Aluminium sulphate        Water
                      Take a Break!
                     Answer orally.
                      1.  What do you understand by ac  vity series of metals?
                      2.  What is an oxide?
                      3.  Name the processes by which oxides of metals can be formed by decomposi  on reac  on.

                      4.  What are the characteris  cs of acidic oxides?
                      5.  What are neutral oxides? Give examples.

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Chemical reac  on:        A process in which new substance(s) with new proper  es is/are formed

                 Reactants:                Substances that take part in a chemical reac  on
                 Products:                 Substances that are produced in a chemical reac  on
                 Exothermic reac  on:      The chemical reac  on in which heat energy is evolved

                 Endothermic reac  on:     The chemical reac  on in which heat energy is absorbed
                 Photochemical reac  on:  A chemical reac  on that takes place in the presence of light

                 Electrochemical reac  on:  A chemical reac  on that occurs when the electricity is passed through the reactants
                 Catalyst:                 A substance that alters the rate of a chemical reac  on without itself undergoing
                                           any chemical change during the reac  on
                 Posi  ve catalyst:        A catalyst that increases the rate of a chemical reac  on

                 Nega  ve catalyst:        A catalyst that decreases the rate of a chemical reac  on
                 Biocatalyst or enzyme:    A substance that acts as a catalyst in a biochemical reac  on

                 Combina  on or
                 synthesis reac  on:       A chemical reac  on in which two or more substances combine to form a single
                 Decomposi  on reac  on:  A chemical reac  on in which a compound splits into two or more simpler substances
                 Thermal decomposi  on: A decomposi  on reac  on brought about by heat

                 Electric decomposi  on:   A decomposi  on reac  on brought about by electricity
                 Photodecomposi  on:       A decomposi  on reac  on brought about by light

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