Page 136 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 136

•  Reac  on between chlorine and hydrogen sulphide: Chlorine reacts with hydrogen sulphide to
                        form hydrogen chloride and sulphur. Hydrogen is added to chlorine to form hydrogen chloride
                        (reduc  on). Hydrogen is removed from hydrogen sulphide to form sulphur (oxida  on).
                                                          reduc  on
                                                     addi  on of hydrogen
                                     Cl 2         +          H S                   2HCl     +      S
                                   Chlorine          Hydrogen sulphide       Hydrogen chloride   Sulphur
                                                                       removal of hydrogen
                                                                              oxida  on
                         Substance oxidised: H S                     Oxidising agent: Cl 2
                         Substance reduced: Cl                       Reducing agent: H S
                 Some more examples are listed here.
                     •               ZnO          +           C                      Zn     +         CO
                                  Zinc oxide               Carbon                   Zinc        Carbon monoxide

                     •               SO 2         +         2H S                   2H O     +          3S
                                Sulphur dioxide       Hydrogen sulphide            Water             Sulphur

                      Take a Break!

                     Fill in the blanks.
                      1.  A combina  on reac  on is also called ______________ reac  on.

                      2.  The decomposi  on brought about by heat is called ______________________.
                      3.  A more reac  ve metal displaces a less reac  ve metal during a ________________ reac  on.
                      4.  The chemical reac  on in which an insoluble part called _____________ separates from the solu  on
                          is called ________________ reac  on.

                      5.  ________________ or ________________ is applied on the aff ected area to neutralise the eff ect
                          of an ant or a bee s  ng.
                      6.  The addi  on of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen from a substance is called _____________.

                      7.  An atom or a group of atoms which loses electrons during a chemical reac  on is called
                      8.  Chlorine reacts with hydrogen sulphide to form _____________ and _____________.


                 Some metals are chemically very reac  ve whereas others are less reac  ve or unreac  ve. On the basis of
                 vigour of reac  on of various metals with oxygen, water and acids, metals have been arranged in a group
                 or series.

                 The arrangement of metals in a ver  cal column in the order of their decreasing reac  vity is called reac  vity
                 or ac  vity series of metals. In reac  vity series, the most reac  ve metal is placed at the top whereas the
                 least reac  ve metal is placed at the bo  om.

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