Page 135 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 135

                                         2Mg         +        O                       2MgO
                                      Magnesium             Oxygen               Magnesium oxide
                         We can see that magnesium gets oxidised with the addiƟ on of oxygen.

                     •  Removal of hydrogen: Hydrogen sulphide reacts with chlorine and gets oxidised to sulphur due to
                        loss of hydrogen.
                                         H S         +        Cl                      2HCl        +         S
                                 Hydrogen sulphide          Chlorine             Hydrochloric acid       Sulphur
                 ReducƟ on: The addiƟ on of hydrogen or the removal of oxygen from a substance is called reducƟ on.

                     •  AddiƟ on of hydrogen: Hydrogen reacts with chlorine to form hydrogen chloride.
                                          H 2        +        Cl                      2HCl
                                      Hydrogen              Chlorine             Hydrogen chloride
                         Since hydrogen is added to chlorine, it is a reducƟ on reacƟ on.

                     •  Removal of oxygen: Copper oxide reacts with hydrogen to form copper by the removal of oxygen
                        from copper oxide.
                                         CuO         +        H                        Cu         +       H O
                                     Copper oxide          Hydrogen                   Copper              Water
                         Copper oxide is reduced to copper.

                 Oxidising and Reducing Agents

                 Oxidising agent: An atom or a group of atoms which accepts electrons during an oxidaƟ on reacƟ on is
                 called an oxidising agent. Some common oxidising agents are oxygen, ozone, chlorine, bromine, nitric acid
                 and sulphuric acid.

                 Reducing agent: An atom or a group of atoms which loses electrons during a chemical reacƟ on is called a
                 reducing agent. Some common reducing agents are hydrogen, carbon and sulphur dioxide.


                     •  ReacƟ on between copper oxide and hydrogen: Copper oxide reacts with hydrogen to form copper
                        and water. Removal of oxygen takes place from copper oxide to form copper (reducƟ on) and
                        addiƟ on of oxygen to hydrogen takes place to form water (oxidaƟ on).

                                                          reducƟ on
                                                      removal of oxygen
                                     CuO          +          H                      Cu      +         H O
                                 Copper oxide             Hydrogen                 Copper            Water
                                                                           addiƟ on of oxygen
                                                                                oxidaƟ on

                         Substance oxidised: H                       Oxidising agent: CuO
                         Substance reduced: CuO                      Reducing agent: H 2

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