Page 137 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 137

•  The fi gure indicates that potassium is the most reac  ve metal and pla  num in the least reac  ve
                     •  Hydrogen is not a metal, but it is in the series for comparison. Metals above hydrogen can displace
                         its ions from water, acids or alkalis. The one below hydrogen cannot.

                     •  The metals higher in the reac  vity series easily take part in chemical reac  ons with oxygen or
                         dilute acids.
                     •  The metals lower in the reac  vity series do not easily take part in chemical reac  ons.

                                                         Potassium      K    (Most reac  ve metal)
                                                         Sodium         Na
                                    These metals are     Calcium        Ca
                                    more reac  ve than   Magnesium      Mg
                                                         Aluminium      Al
                                                         Zinc           Zn
                                                         Iron           Fe             Decreasing chemical
                                                         Nickel         Ni             reac  vity
                                                         Tin            Sn
                                                         Lead           Pb
                                                         Hydrogen       H
                                                         Copper         Cu
                                    These metals are     Mercury        Hg
                                    highly unreac  ve.
                                                         Silver         Ag
                                                         Gold           Au
                                                         Platinum       Pt   (Least reac  ve metal)

                                                       Fig. 6.3: Reactivity or Activity series
                                                                   of metal
                                       Table 6.1: Reac  ons of Metals with Oxygen, Water and Acids

                     Element        Reaction with oxygen          Reaction with water             Reaction with acid

                                                            K and Na react with cold water   K and Na react with explosively
                        Na        React with oxygen at room   vigorously                    with dilute acid to give hydrogen
                        Ca        temperature to form oxides Ca reacts moderately with cold   Ca reacts moderately with cold
                                                            water                           water

                        Mg        From oxides on heating,   Mg react with hot water or steam;  Mg, Al, Zn, and Fe react
                        Al        but aluminium also react at  others reacts with steam only to   moderately with acid to produce
                        Zn        room temperature          form oxide and hydrogen         hydrogen

                        Pb        From oxide on strongly    No reaction with hot water or   Pb reacts with conc. HCl to give
                        Cu        heating                   steam                           H ; Cu and Hg do not react with
                        Hg                                                                  dilute acids

                        Ag        Do not react with oxygen   No reaction with hot water or
                        Au        even on heating strongly  steam                           Do not react with dilute acids

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