Page 142 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 142

Displacement reac  on:    A chemical reac  on in which an element takes the place of another element in a
                 Double displacement
                 reac  on:                 A chemical reac  on in which two compounds react by exchange of ions to form
                                           two new compounds
                 Precipita  on reac  on:   A chemical reac  on in which an insoluble solid called precipitate separates from
                                           the solu  on

                 Neutralisa  on reac  on:  A chemical reac  on in which an acid reacts with a base to form salt and water
                 Redox reac  on:           A chemical reac  on in which oxida  on and reduc  on take place simultaneously

                 Oxida  on:                The addi  on of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen from a substance
                 Reduc  on:                The addi  on of hydrogen or the removal of oxygen from a substance
                 Oxidising agent:          An atom or a group of atoms which accepts electrons during an oxida  on reac  on

                 Reducing agent:           An atom or a group of atoms which loses electrons during a chemical reac  on
                 Reac  vity or ac  vity
                 series of metals:         The arrangement of metals in a ver  cal column in the order of their decreasing
                                           reac  vity
                 Oxide:                    A compound which consists of oxygen as an anion

                 Calcina  on:              A decomposi  on process in which a metallic ore is heated in the absence or limited
                                           supply of air
                 Roas  ng:                 A decomposi  on process in which a metallic ore is heated in the presence of air at
                                           a very high temperature
                 Acidic oxides:            Oxides formed when non-metals are heated in the presence of oxygen

                 Basic oxides:             Oxides formed when metals react with oxygen on hea  ng or without hea  ng
                 Amphoteric oxides:        Oxides that can react with both acids and bases to form salt and water

                 Neutral oxides:           Oxides which do not exhibit either acidic or basic proper  es

                      Quick Review

                    •  A chemical change involves the rearrangement of atoms that takes place between the reac  ng
                       substances to form new substances having en  rely diff erent proper  es.
                    •  In addi  on to the forma  on of new substances, a chemical change may be accompanied by one or
                       more of the following changes such as evolu  on of gas, change of colour, forma  on of precipitate,
                       change of state and change in energy.
                    •  Depending upon the absorp  on or evolu  on of heat, chemical reac  ons are of two types: exothermic
                       reac  on and endothermic reac  on.
                    •  There are certain condi  ons required for chemical reac  ons to take place. These condi  ons are close
                       contact between reactants, presence of solu  on, heat energy, light energy, electricity, pressure and
                    •  Catalysts are of two types: posi  ve catalyst and nega  ve catalyst.

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