Page 144 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 144

3.  The chemical reac  ons that take place in the presence of light are called _______________ reac  ons.
                       4.  A ____________ catalyst increases the rate of a reac  on.

                       5.  ________________ is an enzyme which is specifi c to the diges  on of carbohydrates.

                       6.  _______________ is a decomposi  on process in which a metallic ore is heated in the absence or
                           limited supply of air.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.

                       1.  When solid lead nitrate is heated, green-coloured nitrogen gas
                           is evolved with oxygen.                                                   __________________

                       2.  When carbon and sulphur are heated, heat energy is evolved.               __________________

                       3.  Chloroplast acts as a catalyst in the photosynthesis reac  on in plants.   __________________
                       4.  Limestone is heated to form calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide.         __________________

                       5.  An atom or a group of atoms which accepts electrons during an oxida  on
                           reac  on is called a reducing agent.                                      __________________
                       6. Roas  ng is a decomposi  on process in which carbon dioxide is produced
                           with metal oxide.                                                         __________________

                 C.  Complete and balance the following chemical equa  ons.

                       1. Na CO  + _________                 _________ + H O + CO 
                       2. 2[Pb(NO ) ]              _________ + 4NO  + O 
                                   3 2
                       3. NH  + HCl               _________
                       4. Na SO  + _________                 _________ + 2NaCl
                       5. 2FeSO               _________ + __________ + SO 
                       6. Zn + 2NaOH                __________ + H 
                 D.  Write the chemical equa  ons for the following.
                       1.  When solid sodium nitrate is heated, oxygen gas is evolved.
                       2.  When an iron nail is dipped in blue-coloured copper sulphate solu  on, the blue colour of the
                           solu  on fades and eventually turns into light green.
                       3.  When ammonium hydroxide and iron sulphate solu  ons are mixed together, a brown-coloured
                           precipitate of iron hydroxide is obtained.

                       4.  Calcium carbonate on hea  ng gives carbon dioxide and calcium oxide.
                       5.  Potassium chlorate when heated in the presence of a catalyst (manganese dioxide) gives potassium
                           chloride and oxygen.

                       6.  Zinc displaces copper from a solu  on of copper(II) sulphate.

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