Page 149 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 149

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word/a few words.
                       1.  The chemical reac  on in which heat energy is evolved                  _____________________

                       2.  The chemical reac  on that takes place when the electricity is
                           passed through the reactants                                           _____________________
                       3.  A substance that alters the rate of a chemical reac  on                _____________________

                       4.  A substance that acts as a catalyst in a biochemical reac  on          _____________________
                       5.  An atom or a group of atoms which loses electrons during a
                           chemical reac  on                                                      _____________________
                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).

                       1.  A blue precipitate of silver chloride is formed when sodium chloride and silver nitrate solu  ons are
                           mixed together.
                       2.  When water is added to quicklime, heat energy is evolved.
                       3.  Photosynthesis in green plants takes place in the presence of chlorophyll that acts as a catalyst.

                       4. Roas  ng is a decomposi  on process in which a metallic ore is heated in the absence or limited
                           supply of air.
                       5.  Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are strong alkalis.

                 C. Defi ne the following terms.
                       1. Endothermic reac  on       2.  Posi  ve catalyst    3.  Proteases       4.  Synthesis reac  on
                       5. Photodecomposi  on         6.  Reduc  on         7.  Oxidising agent    8.  Calcina  on

                 D.  Complete and balance the following chemical equa  ons.
                       1. NaNO            _______ + O                      2.  Fe + CuSO          _______ +  _______
                       3. NH OH + _______            Fe(OH)  + _______    4.  Pb(NO )          PbO + _______ + _______
                                                                                     3 2
                       5. Cl  + KBr         _______ + Br                   6.  Na CO  + _______          _______ + NaNO  3
                 E.  Answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.  Give examples of chemical reac  ons that are characterised by change of colour.
                       2. Diff eren  ate between endothermic reac  ons and exothermic reac  ons with the help of examples.
                       3.  What are the condi  ons required for chemical reac  ons to take place?
                       4.  How is a catalyst diff erent from an enzyme?

                       5.  What is the importance of neutralisa  on reac  ons in our daily life?
                       6.  Write a note on classifi ca  on of oxides.

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Redox Reac  ons’. Find the related informa  on and images
                   using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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