Page 151 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 151

The most important compound of hydrogen is water (H O) that covers 70% of the earth’s surface. Hydrogen
                 combines with other elements to form compounds such as acids, bases, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates,
                 proteins and fats. The occurrence of hydrogen on the earth in various compounds is given in Table 7.1.

                                              Table 7.1: Compounds of Hydrogen on the Earth

                      Combination of hydrogen with          Compounds                         Occurrence
                  Oxygen                                Water (H O)          Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, water vapour in
                                                                             air, underground water, etc.

                  Carbon                                Hydrocarbons         Oil, petroleum and natural gas

                  Carbon, oxygen and nitrogen           Organic compounds    Animal and vegetable matter

                  Chlorine, sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen  Acids, alkalis     Prepared in laboratory

                 DISCOVERY OF HYDROGEN

                 In 1671, Robert Boyle found a gas during a reac  on         Know Your Scientist
                 between iron fi lings and dilute acids. He noted that
                                                                            Henry Cavendish was an
                 these fumes were highly fl ammable.
                                                                            English chemist and physicist.
                 In 1766, Henry Cavendish recognised hydrogen as            He was  born on October 10,
                 an element. He then called it ‘infl ammable air’ or         1731 in Nice, France. He is
                 ‘phlogiston’. He observed that it is dis  nct  from        credited with  recogni  on  of
                 other combus  ble gases. He studied the proper  es         hydrogen as an element and the discovery of
                 of hydrogen and found that the only product we get         composi  on of water.
                 on burning hydrogen is water.

                 In 1781, Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist named this gas as hydrogen. In Greek hydro means water and
                 genes means forming. So hydrogen means forming water.

                                                         Thirst for Knowledge

                    It is believed that Paracelsus, a German-Swiss alchemist had studied hydrogen in the 16th century. He
                    found that an infl ammable gas was produced when a metal was dissolved in an acid.

                                                                             Know Your Scientist
                 In laboratories and industries, hydrogen is prepared
                                                                            Antoine Lavoisier was born on August 26,
                 from its compound as it is not available in free
                                                                            1743 in Paris, France. He named both oxygen
                 state. Hydrogen is obtained by its displacement
                                                                            and hydrogen. He demonstrated the role of
                 from compounds like water, dilute acids and alkalis
                                                                            oxygen in rus  ng of metal as well as role of
                 by more reac  ve metals. Such reac  ons are called         oxygen in animal and plant respira  on.
                 displacement reac  ons.

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