Page 152 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 152

The displacement of hydrogen from water, dilute acids and alkalis, when they are treated with metals
                 placed above hydrogen, may be understood in terms of the ac  vity series of metals.

                 Activity Series of Metals

                 Reac  ve metals like sodium and calcium can easily replace hydrogen from acids or water whereas, metals
                 like copper, silver and mercury cannot replace hydrogen.

                 A list of metals arranged in order of their decreasing reac  vity is known as the ac  vity series of metals.
                 The ac  vity series of metals is shown in Fig. 7.1.
                            Metal                Symbol
                    Most reactive
                            Potassium            K
                            Sodium               Na         React with cold water, steam and acids to produce H   and hydroxides
                            Calcium              Ca
                            Magnesium            Mg
                            Aluminium            Al         Cannot react with cold water
                            Zinc                 Zn         React only with steam and acids to produce H  and metal oxides
                            Iron                 Fe
                            Tin                  Sn
                            Lead                 Pb         React only with dilute acids to produce H 
                            Hydrogen             H
                            Copper               Cu
                            Mercury              Hg
                            Silver               Ag         Do not react with water, steam or dilute acids
                            Gold                 Au
                            Platinum             Pt
                     Least reactive
                                                        Fig. 7.1: Activity series of metals

                 The most reac  ve metal is placed at the top and the least reac  ve metal is placed at the bo  om of the
                 series. Although hydrogen is a non-metal but it is s  ll included in this series for reference. As the metals
                 below hydrogen in the ac  vity series do not displace hydrogen from water and dilute acids.

                 Preparation of Hydrogen by Action of Water on Metals

                     •  From cold water: Metals like potassium, sodium and calcium when treated with cold water liberate
                        hydrogen and form corresponding hydroxides.

                                  2K         +     2H O                         2KOH            +       H 
                               Potassium           Water                  Potassium hydroxide         Hydrogen
                                  2Na        +     2H O                         2NaOH           +       H 
                                Sodium             Water                   Sodium hydroxide           Hydrogen
                                  Ca         +     2H O                        Ca(OH) 2         +       H 
                                Calcium            Water                   Calcium hydroxide          Hydrogen
                         Potassium and sodium react with cold water so violently that hydrogen that evolves could
                        immediately catch fi re.

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