Page 145 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 145

E.  Match the enzyme with its func  on.

                               Enzyme                                       Func  on
                       1.  Pepsin                (a)  Breakdown of starch, fats and proteins into glucose, fa  y
                                                     acids and amino acids
                       2.  Trypsin and lipase    (b)  Conversion of maltose into glucose

                       3. Carbohydrase           (c)  Fermenta  on of glucose in alcohol
                       4.  Maltase               (d)  Breakdown of proteins into amino acids

                       5. Zymase                 (e)  Diges  on of carbohydrates

                 F.   Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Which of the following is a photochemical reac  on?
                               (a) Calcina  on      (b)  Roas  ng         (c)  Photosynthesis    (d)  None of these
                       2.  Which of the following reac  ons represents electric decomposi  on?

                               (a) Decomposi  on of limestone            (b)  Decomposi  on of sodium chloride
                                (c) Decomposi  on of silver chloride     (d)  Decomposi  on of silver bromide
                       3.  Which of the following reac  ons is a neutralisa  on reac  on?
                               (a) H SO  + 2KOH          K SO  + 2H O    (b)  NaCl + AgNO          AgCl + NaNO 3
                                (c) Pb(NO )  + 2KI        PbI  + 2KNO 3   (d) CaCO          CaO + CO 2
                                          3 2
                       4. Calamine solu  on contains ________________.
                               (a)  sodium hydrogen carbonate            (b)  magnesium hydroxide
                                (c) hydrochloric acid                    (d) zinc hydroxide
                       5.  Which of the following metals is the most reac  ve metal?
                               (a) Sodium                                (b) Potassium
                                (c) Aluminium                            (d) Silver
                       6.  Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?
                           (a)  Magnesium oxide                         (b)  Copper oxide

                           (c)  Potassium oxide                         (d)  Aluminium oxide

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.

                       1. Condi  ons necessary for chemical reac  ons
                       2.  Types of chemical reac  ons

                       3. Classifi ca  on of oxides

                 B.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What are chemical reac  ons?
                       2.  What happens when zinc granules are added to dilute sulphuric acid? Write a chemical reac  on for
                           the same.

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