Page 196 - ICSE Math 6
P. 196

                    The diameter of a circle is a chord which passes through the centre of the
                    circle. It is the longest chord that a circle can have. In the adjoining figure,    A     O      B
                    line segment AB is a diameter of the circle.
                    Points to remember

                    •  Length of a diameter is double the length   Semicircle                        Maths Info
                       of radius, i.e.,
                           Diameter = 2 × Radius                       A    O       B           A circle has only one centre
                    •  Diameter of a circle divides the circle into                 Semicircle  but infinite radii, chords and
                       two equal parts and each part is known
                       as a semicircle.
                    Circumference                                                                      R
                    The circumference of a circle is the length of its boundary. In the adjoining           O
                    figure, PQRP is the circumference of the circle.                                                Q

                    Arc                                                                                   P
                    An arc is a part of the circumference. In the adjoining figure PAQ
                    and PBQ are two acrs of the circle and are written as  PAQ and               Minor arc
                    PBQ. If the length of the arc is greater than half of the circumference,    P           Q
                    then it is known as major arc and if the length is less than half of            O
                    the circumference, then it is known as minor arc. In the adjoining
                    figure, PAQ is the minor arc and PBQ is the major arc.                        B     Major arc

                    A sector of a circle is the region bounded by two radii and an arc
                    of the circle. The sectors made by minor and major arcs are known                         Major sector
                    as minor and major sectors respectively. In the adjoining figure,            A       O
                    OAPB is the minor sector formed by the minor arc APB and the                 P
                    radii OA and OB. Also, OAQB is the major sector formed by the       Minor sector         Q
                    major arc AQB and the radii OA and OB.                                          B

                    Interior and exterior
                    The set of all the points which lie inside a circle is known as interior               A         C
                    of the circle. The set of all the points which lie outside a circle is    Exterior of   P  O
                    known as exterior of the circle. In the adjoining figure, points O,
                    A, B and P lie in the interior of the circle and points C, Q and D lie             D        B     Q
                    in the exterior of the circle.                                                       Interior of circle

                    A secant is a straight line which intersects a circle at two distinct
                    points. In the adjoining figure, AB is a secant which intersects the                        B
                    circle at C and D.                                                           C          D
                    Tangent                                                                           O
                    A tangent is a straight line which touches the circle at only one
                    point. The point at which the tangent touches the circle is known as     P         R         Q
                    the point of contact. In the adjoining figure, PQ is a tangent to the
                    circle which touches the circle at R which is the point of contact.

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