Page 192 - ICSE Math 6
P. 192


                    ¾   A simple closed figure made up of line segments only is called a polygon.
                    ¾   A triangle is a three sided polygon and a quadrilateral is a four sided polygon.

                    ¾   On the basis of sides, triangles are classified as equilateral triangles, isosceles triangles and
                        scalene triangles.

                    ¾   On the basis of angles, triangles are classified as acute-angled triangles, obtuse-angled triangles
                        and right-angled triangles.

                    ¾   The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is its longest side.
                    ¾   Medians of a triangle join its vertices to the midpoints of the opposite sides.
                    ¾   The perpendicular drawn from the vertex to the opposite side of a triangle is called its altitude.

                    ¾   The centroid is the point of intersection of medians of a triangle and the orthocentre is the point
                        of intersection of its altitudes.
                    ¾   Parallelogram,  rectangle,  square,  rhombus,  trapezium  and  kite  are  the  different  types  of

                                                            MENTAL MATHS

                      1.  Write True or False.
                         (a)  Every rectangle is a parallelogram.

                        (b)  A rhombus is also a parallelogram.
                         (c)  Adjacent sides of a parallelogram are equal.

                        (d)  A triangle is a polygon having four sides.
                         (e)  A triangle has three sides and three vertices.

                         (f)  Triangles can be classified on the basis of their vertices.
                        (g)  The median of a triangle always lies inside the triangle.

                        (h)  The point of intersection of altitudes may lie outside the triangle.
                      2.  Fill in the blanks.

                         (a)  A polygon having 5 sides is called a __________.
                        (b)  A polygon is said to be regular if all of its __________ are equal in length and all of its
                             __________ are equal in measure.

                         (c)  A simple closed figure made up of line segments only is called a __________.
                        (d)  A polygon having least number of sides is a __________.

                         (e)  A quadrilateral has __________ sides.
                         (f)  The adjacent sides of a rectangle are __________.

                        (g)  A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides is a __________.
                        (h)  If in DPQR, PQ = QR ≠ PR, then DPQR is  _________ triangle.

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