Page 195 - ICSE Math 6
P. 195

18              Circles

                   Key Concepts

                         • Circle—Centre, Radius, Diameter, Arc, Sector, Chord, Segment, Semicircle, Circumference, Interior and Exterior
                         • Construction of Circles


                    A circle is a simple closed curve formed by all the points in a plane which are              Circular
                    at a fixed distance from a fixed point in the plane. This fixed point lies inside            region
                    the circle. The area enclosed by a circle is known as the circular region.          O
                    In the adjoining figure, a circle is shown. The point O is the fixed point from              Fixed
                    which all the points on the circle are at a fixed distance. The shaded region                point
                    is the circular region.

                    Parts of a circle

                    The fixed point inside the circle from which all the points on the circle are at
                    a fixed distance is known as the centre of the circle. In the adjoining figure,              O
                    O is the centre of the circle.


                    The distance between the centre and any point on the circle is known as the
                    radius of the circle. It is the fixed distance which is used to define a circle. In       O       A
                    the adjoining figure, line segment OA is a radius of the circle.

                    A chord of a circle is a line segment joining any two points on the circle. It       P
                    lies inside the circle. In the adjoining figure, line segment PQ is a chord of               O
                    the circle.

                                                                                                  Maths Info
                    A chord divides a circle into two parts and each part is known as a
                    segment. The part greater than half of the circular region is known   Quarter of a circle is known as
                    as the major segment and the other part which is less than half of    quadrant and it is bounded by two
                                                                                          mutually perpendicular radii.
                    the circular region is known as the minor segment.
                                                                                        Minor segment
                    Points to remember                                                                      Q
                    •  Major segment contains the centre of the circle.                         P       O

                    •  Diameter divides a circle into two equal segments.                                   Major segment

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