Page 52 - ICSE Math 5
P. 52

Division of a Number by 10, 100 and 1,000

                    When a number is divided by 10; 100; 1,000 and so on, the value of each of its digits decreases
                    by ten, hundred and thousand times, respectively.

                     •  To divide a number by 10, write the ones digit of the number at the ones place as remainder
                          and the remaining digits as quotient.

                          Example:        8 2 6  10

                                       Quotient     Remainder (digit at the ones place)
                                   (remaining digits)

                          So, the quotient is 82 and the remainder is 6.

                     •  To divide a number by 100, write the number formed by the digits at tens and ones places
                          as remainder, and the remaining digits as quotient.

                         Example:         2 7 1 7  100

                                       Quotient     Remainder (digits at the tens and ones places)

                          So, the quotient is 27 and the remainder is 14.

                     •  To divide a number by 1,000; write the number formed by the digits at the hundreds, tens
                          and ones places as remainder, and the remaining digits as quotient.

                          Example:      3 8 0 7  100

                                     Quotient     Remainder (digits at the hundreds, tens and ones places)

                          So, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 807.
                    Example 15:  Divide the following.

                                  (a)  2,046 by 10   (b) 5,048 by 100   (c) 3,204 by 1,000
                    Solution:     (a)  2,046 ÷ 10 gives

                                       Quotient = 204; Remainder = 6
                                  (b)  5,048 ÷ 100 gives

                                       Quotient = 50; Remainder = 48
                                  (c)  3,204 ÷ 1,000 gives

                                       Quotient = 3; Remainder = 204

                    Division of Numbers when Both the Dividend and Divisor End with Zeros

                    When both the dividend and the divisor end with zeros, cancel the equal number of zeros by
                    starting from the ones place of both the numbers and then divide. This is called the cancellation
                    method. We add the zeros back to the remainder, if any, to get the final answer.

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