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known as seasonal migration. Th is type of
migration takes place in successive intervals.
Sometimes people move during specifi c
seasons such as crop harvesting, to work and
then go back when the season is over.
Return migration: Return migration
involves the voluntary return of migrants
to their original place of residence aft er they
outlive the reasons for which they left . Oft en,
young people who move into the cities to
work return home when they retire to spend
the rest of their lives in their quiet home
towns with old friends and family.
Immigrants are those who move into another country.
Intercontinental migration: Intercontinental Fact Corner
migration is the movement is across continents, From 1858 to 1947, India was under the
rule of the British Crown. Muslims have
such as from Korea (Asia) to Brazil (South
coexisted with the Hindus and Sikhs for a
America). However, if the movement is on the long time, but this changed after India was
same continent, it is called intracontinental partitioned in 1947. The British left, and
migration. Sometimes, people migrate from India split into two independent countries
— India and Pakistan. This event triggered a
one place to the other within the same region,
mass migration of Muslims to West Pakistan
continent or country. Th is is also known as and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and
regional migration or internal migration. Hindus and Sikhs to India. Violent attacks
Rural-urban migration: Rural-urban broke out between the two nations, and by
the end of the migration in 1948, thousands
migration involves the movement of people
of people were killed.
from rural areas or countrysides to urban
areas of the same country in search of new
Long and short-term migration: People
opportunities and lifestyles.
may consider migrating for good if the
Forced or involuntary migration: Forced
conditions at their home are threatening.
migration occurs when the government or
For example, people move for better health
authorities of a place force people to migrate
care facilities if they have some disease that
for a reason.
requires treatment that can only be received
Impelled migration (also called reluctant or
in another place. On the other hand, it can
imposed migration): In impelled migration,
also be temporal in nature. For example, a
no one is forced to migrate but due to some
person may study in another place, but may
push factors such as war, hunger and other decide to stay for a few years before going
diffi cult conditions, people decide to leave. back home for good.
Periodic or seasonal migration: When Interstate migration: A phenomenon in
people move from place of origin to the site which people migrate from one province
of temporary work for several months, it is or state to another is known as interstate
impel: to cause someone to feel a strong need or desire to do something