Page 70 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 70

Quick Recall

                      •  On fi nding a word, you can replace it with some other word using the Replace command.
                      •  We can draw various shapes like Lines, Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Flowcharts, Callouts, Stars
                         and Banners in Word 2016.
                      •  There are diff erent options available to format shapes on the Drawing toolbar.
                      •  WordArt allows us to use special eff ects such as bending, twisting, shading and rotating text
                         in our documents.
                      •  We can add pictures from the computer or Internet directly into a Word document.
                      •  We can apply Borders and Shading eff ects on the text in a document to make it look more

                    A.  Name the following.
                         1.  Group and tab of Find and Replace command               _____________  _____________

                         2.  Toolbar to format shapes                                                  _____________

                         3. Text-styling tool                                                          _____________
                         4.  Any three text-styling eff ects       _____________  _____________  _____________

                         5.  Group and tab of Picture button                                           _____________

                    B.  Choose the correct answer.
                         1.  Watermark is a _____________.

                             (a) text-styling eff ect                        (b)  shadow eff ect
                             (c)  faded impression                           (d)  mark of the water

                         2.  Cover page option is on the _____________ group of the _____________ tab.

                             (a)  Illustrations, Insert  (b)  Pages, Insert   (c)  Text, Insert     (d)  Insert, Pages

                         3.  We can use _____________ to draw images of wheels of bus or a car.
                             (a)  Curved line tool     (b)  Line tool         (c)  Circle           (d)  Connector

                         4.  Outline colour can be changed using _____________ tool.

                             (a)  Shape outline tool                         (b)  Shape fi ll tool
                             (c)  Change shape tool                          (d)  Shapes

                         5.  WordArt button is present in _____________ group of _____________ tab.

                            (a)  Text, Insert                                (b) Insert, Text
                            (c)  Font, Home                                  (d) Paragraph, Home

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