Page 9 - ICSE Math 7
P. 9


                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  Terms related to algebra like   Students will be able to:       •  Revising previous concepts
                      constants, variables, terms,    •  identify terms related to algebra   learnt by children.
                      coefficient of terms, like and    like constants, variable, terms,   •  Building on children’s previous
                      unlike terms, etc.                coefficient of terms, like and    learning.
                     •   Generate algebraic expressions  unlike terms etc.;             •   Use child’s context and
                     •  Performs operations (addition   •   generate algebraic expressions   encourage them to generate
                      and subtraction) on algebraic     involving one or two variables/   algebraic expressions by proper
                      expressions with integral         unknowns;                         choice of variable/unknown and
                      coefficients only               •  add and subtract algebraic       operations.
                     •   Simple linear equations in     expressions;                    •   Child’s daily life experiences like
                      one variable (in contextual     •   express situations in simple    adding/subtracting a group of
                      problems) with two operations     linear equations and find         2 notebooks and 5 pencils
                    •  Inequalities and solution of     solution of related problems;     to/from another group of 3
                      simple inequalities in one      •  find solution to simple          notebooks and 8 pencils etc.
                      variable                          inequalities (< or >) in one      Let children form their own
                                                        variable.                         rule that like terms can only be
                                                                                          added or subtracted.
                                                                                        •  Involve children in groups
                                                                                          of three or four to explore
                                                                                          situations which can be
                                                                                          expressed by simple equations
                                                                                          and solve them. Textbooks have
                                                                                          many such examples.

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     Understanding shapes:            Students will be able to:         •  Revising previous concepts
                     •  Pairs of angles (linear,      •  identify pairs of angles         learnt by children.
                      supplementary, complementary,     like linear, supplementary,     •   Building on children’s previous
                      adjacent, vertically opposite)    complementary, adjacent and       learning
                    •  Properties of parallel lines     vertically opposite and finds the  •  Using diagrams to help children
                      with transversal (alternate,      one when other is given;          in visualizing the relationship
                      corresponding, interior, exterior  •  hypothesize the relationship   between various pairs of
                      angles)                           between pairs of angles out       angles when a transversal cuts
                     Properties of triangles:           of eight angles formed by a       two lines (parallel and non-
                     •   Angle sum property             transversal with parallel lines;  parallel), angles of triangle and
                     •  Exterior angle property       •  verify angle sum and other       relationship among its sides.
                     •  Pythagoras Theorem              properties of triangles and     •  Involve children in
                      (Verification only)               uses these properties to find     experimentation with
                     Symmetry:                          unknown elements of a triangle;   measurement of sides of right
                     •   Recalling reflection symmetry  •   appreciate the rotational     angled triangles and recognition
                     •  Idea of rotational symmetry,    symmetry of various shapes and    of pattern to hypothesize the
                      observations of rotational        figures;                          Pythagorean relation.
                      symmetry of 2D objects. (90°,   •   read simple maps and construct  •   Conducting activities with
                      120°, 180°)                       own maps like home to school,     children that are given in
                                                        map of her village, house etc.;   textbooks (paper folding and
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