Page 12 - ICSE Math 7
P. 12

Detailed Contents

                     S. No.          Chapter                                       Contents

                       1.   Integers                  Integers, Representation of Integers on a Number Line, Comparison of Integers,
                                                      Fundamental  Operations  on  Integers,  Simplification  of  an  Expression,  Word
                       2.   Fractions                 Fractions, Classification of Fractions, Reducing a Fraction to Its Simplest Form,
                                                      Like and Unlike Fractions, Comparison of Fractions, Inserting a Fraction between
                                                      Two Fractions, Fundamental Operations on Fractions, Reciprocal of a Fraction,
                                                      Fraction as an Operator, Continued Fraction, Simplification of Complex Fractions,
                                                      Simplification of an Expression, Word Problems
                       3.   Decimals                  Decimal  Fractions,  Conversion  of  Fractions  into  Decimals,  Conversion  of
                                                      Decimals into Fractions, Comparison of Decimals, Fundamental Operations on
                                                      Decimals, Terminating and Non-Terminating Decimals, Approximation

                       4.   Rational Numbers          Rational Numbers, Absolute Value of a Rational Number, Equivalent Rational
                                                      Numbers, Representation of Rational Numbers on a Number Line, Standard Form
                                                      of Rational Numbers, Comparison of Rational Numbers, Addition and Subtraction
                                                      of Rational Numbers, Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers, Decimal
                                                      Representation of Rational Numbers
                       5.   Exponents and Powers      Exponents, Laws of Exponents, Scientific Notation of Numbers, Application of Laws
                                                      of Exponents
                       6.   Set Theory                Set, Notation and Representation of Sets, Types of Sets, Cardinal Number, Subsets,
                                                      Universal Set, Operations on Sets, Cardinal Properties of Sets

                       7.   Ratio, Proportion and Unitary  Ratio, Comparison of Ratios, Compound Ratio and Continued Ratio, Increase
                            Method                    or  Decrease  in  a  Given  Ratio, To  Divide  a  Given  Quantity  in  a  Given  Ratio,
                                                      Proportion, Continued Proportion, Unitary Method, Variation, Time and Work
                       8.   Percentage                Percentage, Expressing Smaller Units as Percentage of Larger Units, Expressing
                                                      One  Quantity  as  a  Percentage  of  the  Other,  Finding  Percentage  of  a  Given
                                                      Quantity, Finding the Number from a Given Percentage of the Number, Increase
                                                      or Decrease in Percentage
                       9.   Profit and Loss           Cost Price and Selling Price, Overhead Expenses, Profit and Loss, Profit and Loss
                                                      per cent, Marked Price and Discount

                      10.   Simple Interest           Simple Interest
                      11.   Speed, Distance and Time  Speed and Units of Speed, Conversion of Units of Speed, Average Speed, Relative
                      12.   Algebraic Expressions     Constants,  Variables  and  Terms, Algebraic  Expressions, Addition,  Subtraction,
                                                      Multiplication  and  Division  of  Algebraic  Expressions,  Value  of  an  Algebraic
                      13.   Linear Equations in One   Equation, Solution of a Linear Equation, Trial and Error Method, Rules for Solving
                            Variable                  an Equation, Transposing a Term of an Equation, Applications of Linear Equations
                      14.   Linear Inequations        Inequation,  Replacement  and  Solution  Sets,  Method  of  Solving  Inequations,
                                                      Graphical Representation of Solution Set
                      15.   Lines and Angles          Point,  Line,  Line  Segment,  Ray  and  Plane,  Parallel  Lines,  Intersecting  Lines,
                                                      Perpendicular Lines and Concurrent Lines, Angle, Types of Angles
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