Page 13 - ICSE Math 7
P. 13

S. No.          Chapter                                       Contents

                      16.   Triangles                 Triangle, Classification of Triangles, Properties of Triangles, Altitude and Medians
                                                      of a Triangle, Pythagoras Property (or Pythagoras Theorem)

                      17.   Congruence of Triangles   Congruent Figures, Congruence of Line Segments, Congruence of Two Angles,
                                                      Congruence of Triangles, Conditions for Congruency of Two Triangles
                      18.   Symmetry, Reflection and   Symmetry, Line(s) of Symmetry of Geometrical Figures, Reflection, Rotation
                      19.   Visualizing Solid Shapes  Polyhedrons, Nets of 3D Shapes, Drawing Solids on a Flat Surface, Visualizing
                                                      Solid Objects, Mapping the Space Around Through Visual Estimation
                      20.   Constructions             Construction  of  Parallel  Lines,  Construction  of  triangles,  Construction  of
                                                      Circumcircle and Incircle
                      21.   Perimeter and Area        Perimeter  and  Area  of  a  Rectangle  and  a  Square,  Area  of  a  Triangle  and  a
                                                      Parallelogram, Circumference and Area of a Circle

                      22.   Data Handling             Collection of Relevant Data, Organization of Data, Measures of Central Tendency,
                                                      Bar Graphs, Construction of Bar Graphs, Multiple Bar Graphs

                      23.   Probability               Probability, Some Important Terms Used in Probability, Experimental Probability

                          Concepts are well explained                                    At A Glance is the summary
                              in simple language                                                of the chapter

                          Solved Examples are given                                   Mental Maths is given to evaluate
                        after every concept to gain more                               the level of understanding of the
                                understanding                                                  concepts learnt

                        Maths Info are given throughout                                 Practice Time given at the end
                        the chapter to provide additional                              of the chapter includes variety of
                                 information                    Chapter                     questions for practice

                           Try These are integrated                                     Think Smart given at the end
                           throughout the chapter for                                   of the chapter includes thought-
                               hands-on practice                                             provoking questions

                         In-text Exercises are given for                              Activities strengthen the knowledge
                      reinforcement of the concepts learnt                                     of the concepts

                                            Life Skills based questions are given either throughout the
                                                     chapter or at the end of Practice Time
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