Page 17 - ICSE Math 7
P. 17

Example 3:  Add the following.
                                  (a)  (–95) and (–55)  (b)  (+121), (–30) and (–45)  (c)  (+35), (–25), (+111) and (–124)

                    Solution:     (a)  |–95| = 95 and |–55| = 55
                                      |–95| + |–55| = 95 + 55 = 150
                                      \ (–95) + (–55) = –150

                                  (b)  |–30| + |–45| = 30 + 45 = 75
                                      (–30) + (–45) = –75
                                      \ (+121) + (–30) + (–45) = +121 – 75 = 46
                                  (c)  |+35| + |+111| = 35 + 111 = 146

                                      Also, |–25| + |–124| = 25 + 124 = 149
                                      \ (+35) + (–25) + (+111) + (–124) = (+35) + (+111) + (–25) + (–124)
                                                                          = 146 – 149 = –3

                    Properties of addition of integers
                    •  Closure property

                       If a and b are any two integers, then a + b is also an integer. For example, –5 + 9 = 4 which is an
                    •  Commutative property
                       If a and b are any two integers, then a + b = b + a. For example, 110 + (–4) = 106 = (–4) + 110

                    •  Associative property
                       If a, b and c are any three integers, then (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) = a + b + c. For example,
                       {13 + (–2)} + 5 = {13 – 2} + 5 = 11 + 5 = 16 and 13 + {(–2) + 5} = 13 + {–2 + 5}= 13 + 3 = 16
                       \ {13 + (–2)} + 5 = 13 + {(–2) + 5}
                    •  Existence of additive identity

                       If a is any integer, then a + 0 = a = 0 + a. We say, 0 is an additive identity of integers. For example,
                       (–36) + 0 = –36 = 0 + (–36)
                    •  Existence of additive inverse
                       If a is any integer, then a + (–a) = 0 = (–a) + a. We say, a and –a are      Maths Info
                       additive inverse of each other. For example, 9 + (–9) = 0 = (–9) + 9   0 is the only integer which is
                                                                                              additive inverse of itself, i.e.,
                    •  Cancellation law                                                       self inverse.
                       If a, b and c are any three integers, then a + c = b + c ⇒ a = b.
                       For example, x + 91 = (–27) + 91 ⇒ x = –27
                    Subtraction is the inverse of addition. Thus, to subtract integers, change the sign of the integers to be
                    subtracted and then add them.

                    Example 4:  Subtract the following.
                                  (a)  26 from 9    (b)  (–13) from 25    (c)  17 from (–10)    (d)  (–11) from (–95)
                    Solution:     (a)  9 – (26) = 9 – 26 = –17               (b)  25 – (–13) = 25 + 13 = 38
                                  (c)  (–10) – (17) = –10 – 17 = –27         (d)  (–95) – (–11) = –95 + 11 = –84

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