Page 20 - ICSE Math 7
P. 20

•  Existence of multiplicative inverse
                                                                                                  1                1
                       Let a be any integer other than zero, then its multiplicative inverse will be  , such that a ×   = 1
                       but   is not an integer except for a = 1. Here multiplicative inverse does not exist under multiplication
                       of integers.
                    •  Property of zero
                       For any integer a, we have a × 0 = 0 = 0 × a.

                       For example, –3 × 0 = 0 = 0 × 3, 4 × 0 = 0 = 0 × 4
                    •  Cancellation law
                       If a, b and c are any three integers, then a × c = b × c ⇒ a = b.

                       For example, 11 × 9 = x × 9 ⇒ x = 11
                    •  Distributive property of multiplication over addition and subtraction

                       If a, b and c are any three integers, then
                       a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c) and a × (b – c) = (a × b) – (a × c)

                       For example, 5 × (10 + 13) = 5 × 23 = 115 and 5 × (10 + 13) = (5 × 10) + (5 × 13) = 50 + 65 = 115


                    For division of integers, we have two cases:
                    (a)   When both the dividend and divisor have the same sign, then the           Maths Info
                        quotient is positive.                                                        (+) ÷ (+) = (+)
                    (b)   When one of the dividend or divisor is negative, then the quotient         (–) ÷ (–) = (+)
                        is negative.                                                                 (–) ÷ (+) = (–)
                                                                                                     (+) ÷ (–) = (–)
                    Points to remember

                    •  Division by 0 is not defined.
                    •  Any integer divided by 1 gives the integer itself.

                    Example 8:  Find the quotient.
                                  (a)  (+90) ÷ (+15)        (b)  (+156) ÷ (–13)        (c)  (–224) ÷ (–16)

                                                            90 
                    Solution:     (a)  (+90) ÷ (+15)  = +                  (Since both the dividend and the divisor are

                                                            15             positive, the quotient is positive.)
                                                      = +6

                                                            156
                                  (b)  (+156) ÷ (–13) = –                 (Since the divisor is negative, the quotient
                                                            13              is negative.)
                                                      = –12

                                                            224
                                  (c)  (–224) ÷ (–16) = +     16         (Since both the dividend and the divisor are
                                                                             negative, the quotient is positive.)
                                                      = +14

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