Page 19 - ICSE Math 7
P. 19


                    For multiplication of integers, we have two cases:                              Maths Info
                    (a)   When both the integers to be multiplied have the same sign, i.e.,          (+) × (+) = (+)
                        either both are positive or both are negative, then their product is         (–) × (–) = (+)
                        a positive integer with value equal to the product of their absolute         (–) × (+) = (–)
                        values.                                                                      (+) × (–) = (–)
                    (b)   When one of the integers is positive and the other is negative, then their product is a negative
                        integer with value equal to the product of their absolute values.

                    Points to remember

                    •  Product of any number of positive integers is positive.
                    •  Product of even number of negative integers is positive.
                    •  Product of odd number of negative integers is negative.
                    •  Product of any integer and zero is always zero.

                    Example 7:  Evaluate the following.
                                  (a)  12 × (–2) × 3    (b)  (–3) × (–5) × 4    (c)  (–25) × 15 × (–3) × (–11)

                    Solution:     (a)  12 × (–2) × 3
                                      = –(12 × 2 × 3)                 (Since there is only one negative integer,
                                                                      the product is negative.)
                                      = –72
                                  (b)  (–3) × (–5) × 4
                                      = 3 × 5 × 4                     (Since there are two negative integers,
                                                                      the product is positive.)
                                      = 60
                                  (c)  (–25) × 15 × (–3) × (–11)
                                      = –(25 × 15 × 3 × 11)           (Since there are three negative integers, the
                                                                      product is negative.)
                                      = –(375 × 33) = –12,375

                    Properties of multiplication of integers
                    •  Closure property
                       If a and b are any two integers, then a × b is also an integer. For example, (–3) × 5 = –15 which
                       is an integer.
                    •  Commutative property
                       If a and b are any two integers, then a × b = b × a. For example, 4 × (–8) = –32 = (–8) × 4
                    •  Associative property

                       If a, b and c are any three integers, then (a × b) × c = a × (b × c) = a × b × c.
                       For example, {4 × (–5)} × 2 = (–20) × 2 = – 40 and 4 × {(–5) × 2} = 4 × (–10) = –40
                       \   {4 × (–5)} × 2 = 4 × {(–5) × 2}
                    •  Existence of multiplicative identity
                       If a is any integer, then a × 1 = a = 1 × a. So, 1 is called the multiplicative identity of integers.
                       For example, 13 × 1 =13 = 1 × 13 = 13

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