Page 8 - ICSE Math 7
P. 8

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                                                                                        •  Providing opportunities to
                                                                                          children to observe and find
                                                                                                             1   1
                                                                                          through pictures that   ÷
                                                                                          means the number of one-fourths
                                                                                          4 in one-half. Simple visualization
                                                                                          is required to find that one-half
                                                                                          contains two one-fourths. Let
                                                                                          children observe the patterns and
                                                                                          find their own ways of dividing a
                                                                                          fraction by another fraction.
                                                                                        •   Conducting discussion with
                                                                                          children to observe and
                                                                                          generalise that to divide a
                                                                                          fraction by another fraction
                                                                                          (non-zero) can be done by
                                                                                          multiplying the dividend by
                                                                                          reciprocal of the divisor.
                                                                                        •   Involving children in exploring
                                                                                          their own ways of writing
                                                                                          repeated multiplication in a
                                                                                          short form as repeated addition
                                                                                          is represented by multiplication.
                                                                                          With discussion let the children
                                                                                          reach to the conclusion of
                                                                                          writing  repeated  multiplication
                                                                                          in exponent form.

                                                          Ratio and Proportion
                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  Ratio and proportion (revision)  Students will be able to:      •  Revising previous concepts
                     •  Unitary method continued,     •  recall ratio and proportion done   learnt by children.
                      consolidation, general            in early classes;               •  Building on children’s previous
                      expression for unitary method   •  solve problems using unitary     learning.
                     •  Percentage–an introduction      method (getting feel of how     •  Children know about many
                     •  Understanding percentage as a   formulae for calculation of       ways of comparing quantity.
                      fraction with denominator 100     simple interest and understand    Utilise their experiences to
                     •   Converting fractions and       percentage as a fraction with     conclude that ratio is another
                      decimals into percentage and      denominator 100;                  way of comparing quantities.
                      vice-versa                      •  rewrite fractions and decimals   Percentages and their
                    •  Application to profit and loss   into percentage and vice-versa;   applications are also in child’s
                      (single transaction only)       •  solve problems related to profit   daily life experiences which
                     •   Application to simple interest   and loss (single transaction only);  can be used to form various
                      (time period in complete years)  •  apply simple interest (time     formulae and solving problems
                     •   Speed, distance, time          period in complete years) in      using them.
                                                        daily life situations;
                                                      •  solve problems related to speed,
                                                        distance and time.
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