Page 11 - ICSE Math 7
P. 11

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     Area:                            •  form formulae to find area of the  •  Involving children in activities
                     •  Concept  of measurement         region enclosed in a rectangle    targeted to measurement of
                      using a basic unit area of a      and a square as a better way of   region enclosed by closed
                      square, rectangle, triangle,      counting the number of units       figures on a plain surface and
                      parallelogram and circle, rings   squares that fill them completely.  encouraging them to come to
                      and combined figures                                                the conclusion  that  a  unit  is
                                                                                        •  Conducting   activities related to
                                                                                          measuring units squares within
                                                                                          a figure drawn on a square grid
                                                                                          and to compare the various
                                                              Data Handling
                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  Collection and organisation   Students will be able to:         •  Revising previous concepts
                      of data–choosing the data to    •  find various representative      learnt by children.
                      collect for a hypothesis testing  values (Mean, Median and        •   Building on children’s previous
                     •  Mean, median and mode of        mode) for simple data from        learning
                      ungrouped data–understanding      their daily life;               •  Utilizing children’s daily life
                      what they represent             •  represent data by simple bar     experiences and contextual
                    •   Constructing and interpreting   graphs and interpret them.        problems to test hypothesis by
                      bar graphs                                                          collection and organization of
                    •  Feel of probability using data                                     data. Situations like finding a
                      through experiments.                                                representative value to data help
                     •  Notion of chance in events like                                   in understanding the idea of
                      tossing coins, dice etc.                                            finding mean, median and mode
                    •   Tabulating and counting                                           of ungrouped data. Starting with
                      occurrences of 1 through 6 in a                                     small sets of numbers will be
                      number of throws.                                                   easier to visualize and represent
                     •  Comparing the observation with                                    it by bar graphs.
                      that for a coin.                                                  •   Involving children in drawing
                    •  Observing strings of throws,                                       inferences for future events from
                      notion of randomness.                                               the existing data
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