Page 6 - ICSE Math 7
P. 6


                                                             Number System

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  Multiplication and division of   Students will be able to:      •  Revising previous concepts
                      integers                        •  multiply integers by using       learnt by children.
                     •  Properties of operations on     patterns and generalize the rules  •  Building on children’s previous
                      integers: commutativity,          to multiply a positive integer by   learning.
                      associativity, existence of       a negative integer, a negative   •  Involving children in
                      identity and inverse and          integer by a positive integer and   discussion to find their own
                      distributivity                    two negative integers;            ways of multiplying integers
                     •  Problem solving using         •  divide integers by using patterns   using their understanding
                      operations on integers            and forms rules to perform        about the rules for
                     •  Solution of word problems       division in integers;             multiplication and division of
                      involving integers (all         •  get a feel of necessity of rational   whole numbers.
                      operations)                       numbers (through representation  •  Providing enough time to
                     •  Introduction to rational numbers   on number line);               children to use patterns in
                      (with representation on number  •  perform operations on rational   multiplying a negative integer
                      line)                             numbers (addition, subtraction,   by another integer as this may
                     •  Word problems on rational       multiplication and division);     be a new idea. Up till now they
                                                                                          have learnt that multiplication is
                      numbers (all operations)        •  solve daily life problems        repeated addition or an operator
                     •   Decimal representation of      involving rational numbers (all   in case of fractions. Sufficient
                      rational numbers                  operations);                      time should be given to children

                     •  Problem solving using         •   understand and use fraction as   to appreciate why the product
                      operations on rational numbers    an operator;                      of two negative integers is
                      and decimal fractions           •  find reciprocal of a fraction;   positive.
                     •   Fraction as an operator      •  multiply fractions by using    •  Encouraging children to

                     •  Reciprocal of a fraction        patterns/paper folding/pictures   explore and use the concept of
                                                                                          dividing a natural number by
                     •  Multiplication and division of   and form general rules;          another by simply finding the
                      decimal fractions               •   divide fractions by using       number which when multiplies
                     •   Exponents only natural numbers  patterns/visualization/picture   the divisor gives the dividend
                                                        and forms rules;
                     •   Laws of exponents (through   •   solve word problems involving   as product. So to find –4 ÷ –2
                      observing patterns to arrive at   mixed fractions and operations    we have to find the number
                      generalisation)                   on them;                          which on multiplication with

                     •  Application of laws of        •   represent rational number as a   –2 gives the result –4. Many
                                                                                          children will be able to infer
                      exponents in simple daily life    decimal and vice-versa;           that the required number must
                      problems                                                            be +2. Many such examples
                     •  Revision idea of sets         •   multiplication and division of   will help the child to make
                                                        decimal fractions;
                     •   Equal, equivalent, universal sets  •  use exponential form and their   their own rule like +ve ÷ –ve
                     •   Cardinal property of sets      rules to solve problems related   = –ve, –ve ÷ +ve = –ve and –ve
                                                                                          ÷ –ve = +ve.
                                                        to repeated multiplication;
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11