Page 228 - ICSE Math 5
P. 228

(c)  What will be the   me in Japan if it is 10:30 a.m. in Sweden?

                     (d)  What will be the   me in Greece if it is 5:00 p.m. in Canada?
                     (e)  What will be the   me in Belgium if it is 8:30 p.m. in Iceland?

                     Chapter 13: Introduction to Percentage

                     Integrate with Social Studies

                     What percentage of earth is covered with water? How will you write the obtained percentage in
                     frac  on and decimal?

                     Chapter 14: Data Handling
                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Collect diff erent types of leaves in diff erent numbers and trace them in your notebook. Colour and
                     name these leaves. Using this data collected, draw a pie chart showing diff erent types of leaves.

                     Chapter 15: Patterns

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Draw beau  ful pa  erns using various objects. Trace their outlines in your notebook and then C olour

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