Page 226 - ICSE Math 5
P. 226

 How many states and ci  es are there in India? What product will you obtain on mul  plying the
                           number of ci  es by the number of states? Write a few lines about the state and the city you like
                           the most.

                     Chapter 5: Factors and Multiples

                     Integrate with Social Studies

                         In which years did the following events take place?

                           – Civil Disobedience Movement
                           – Assassina  on of Mahatma Gandhi

                           – Quit India Movement

                     Write the factors of these years. Also write a few lines about these events.
                         In which years were the following personali  es born?

                           – Mother Teresa

                           – Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi
                           – Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

                     Write the fi rst fi ve mul  ples of these years. Also write a few lines about the great achievers.

                     Chapter 6: Fractions
                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Draw a rectangle having 10 squares of equal size. Colour the squares as per the following frac  ons.
                          1                         3                        5                        1
                             – Red                     – Yellow                 – Pink                   – Blue
                          10                       10                       10                        10
                                                              3       5
                     What will be the sum obtained on adding     and   ?
                                                              10     10
                                                                        1        3
                     What will be the diff erence obtained on subtrac  ng    from   ?
                                                                        10      10
                                                              2    1 1     3 3     5      4    1
                     What will be the sum obtained on adding   to    ,   to   ,   to    and   to   ?
                                                              4   10 5     10 7    10     3    10

                     Chapter 7: Decimals
                     Integrate with Computer Science

                     Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Decimals and Their Types’. Find the related informa  on,
                     images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.

                     Chapter 8: Introduction to Negative Numbers

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Make a colourful chart on the topic ‘Nega  ve Numbers’. Explain the concept properly using examples
                     and images.

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