Page 230 - ICSE Math 5
P. 230

8.  Smallest number: 1,02,34,789;                 Progress Worksheet
                         Largest number: 987,43,210                       1.  (a)  zero   (b) M    (c) V; X   (d) X
                      9.  1,12,24,530; 1,12,24,500; 1,12,25,000           2.  (a)  (iii)   (b) (i)   (c) (iii)   (d) (iii)   (e) (iv)
                     10.   ‘Police claimed that the stolen gold was worth     3. (a)  CCXLIII   (b) LXXXV   (c) CCCV
                        ` 32,71,500.’                                       (d)  DCCCXCI   (e) CCXXVI      (f) CCCL

                    Values and Life Skills                                4. (a)  46       (b) 291         (c) 562
                    Ten lakh eighty thousand; One million eighty thousand      (d)  34     (e) 802         (f) 1,200
                                                                          5.  (a), (b), (d) and (f)
                    Progress Worksheet
                                                                          6.  (a)  IV   (b) CCLXVII   (c) DCCCIV   (d) CCXCIX
                      1.  (a)  (iv)   (b) (ii)   (c) (iii)   (d) (ii)
                                                                          7.  (a)  CCX   (b) CCXLVIII   (c) LXXXVI   (d) MM
                      2.  (a)  Predecessor: 7,14,99,997; Successor: 7,14,99,999
                         (b)  Predecessor: 5,21,46,973; Successor: 5,21,46,975   Chapter 3: Addi  on and Subtrac  on
                         (c)  Predecessor: 88,34,14,620; Successor: 88,34,14,622  Exercise 3.1
                      3.  (a)   10,00,00,000 + 4,00,00,000 + 9,00,000 + 40,000 +     1. (a)  69,263   (b) 7,60,955   (c) 6,83,524
                           8,000 + 500 + 80 + 4
                                                                            (d)  8,79,385   (e) 24,29,15,145  (f) 6,36,66,912
                         (b)   6,00,00,000 + 20,00,000 + 3,00,000 + 80,000 + 400     2.  (a)   84,59,99,151; Eight-four crore fi   y-nine lakhs
                           + 10 + 7
                                                                               ninety-nine thousand one hundred fi   y-one
                         (c)  10,00,000 + 6,00,000 + 30,000 + 4,000 + 400 + 50
                                                                             (b)   1,15,33,038; One crore  fi   een lakh thirty-three
                     4. (a) 200    (b) 5      (c)  300    (d) 7                thousand thirty eight
                      5.  (a)   1,03,13,635 < 1,03,14,650 < 1,03,14,627;    3.  (a)   TC C TL L TTh Th H  T  O
                           1,03,14,627 > 1,03,14,650 > 1,03, 13,635
                                                                                     9  3  7  0   1  5  4  6
                         (b)   48,76,042 < 48,78,432 < 48,87,549;
                                                                               + 1   4  6  9  9   8  9  7  6
                            48,87,549 > 48,78,432 > 48,76,042
                      6.  4,52,24,330; 4,52,24,300; 4,52,24,000                   2  4  0  7  0   0  5  2  2
                      7.  (a)   6,40,53,216; Six crore forty lakh fi   y-three thousand   (b)  TC C TL L TTh Th H  T  O
                           two hundred sixteen
                                                                                  6  5  0  7  0   8  5  1  3
                         (b)   21,36,05,507; Twenty-one crore thirty-six lakh fi ve
                           thousand fi ve hundred seven                         + 2   9  9  8  5   7  4  8  9
                         (c)   8,26,54,070; Eight crore twenty-six lakh  fi   y-four   9  5  0  5  6  6  0  0  2
                           thousand seventy
                     8.  (a)  10,00,00,000     (b)  9,99,999            Exercise 3.2
                      9.  (a)  >   (b) >      (c) <       (d) =           1.  (a)  Actual number of books: 1,30,467;
                                                                               Es  mated number of books: 1,30,000
                                Chapter 2: Roman Numerals                   (b) Actual popula  on: 1,32,054;
                    Exercise                                                   Es  mated popula  on: 1,32,000
                      1. (a)  27       (b) 542         (c) 76            2.  (a)  1,35,673 packets   (b)  ` 8,26,171
                        (d)  3,000     (e) 59          (f) 445              (c) 5,79,421         (d) ` 7,43,520
                      2. (a)  CLXXXVII   (b) CCCXLV    (c) CMXLIX           (e) ` 4,97,625        (f)  8,35,603
                        (d)  DCCXXXVI   (e) LXVII      (f) CCXXII        3.  2,97,170
                      3.  (a)  CXCIV   (b) MMCM  (c) DCC   (d) CLXXXIV    4. (a)  65,710         (b) 3,98,000
                      4.  (a)  LXXX   (b) VII   (c) DCLXXIII  (d) CCXXV      (c)  1,85,265       (d) 1,58,279
                    Review Exercise                                     Exercise 3.3
                      1.  (a)  17   (b) 45   (c) 449   (d) 391   (e) 561    1. (a)  34,232   (b) 4,40,421   (c) 1,83,254
                         (f)  24   (g) 700   (h) 801   (i) 920   (j) 1,000  (d) 2,21,96,503  (e) 80,95,98,670 (f) 21,42,23,223
                      2.  (a)  DXLVIII   (b) XCIII   (c) CCVII   (d) CMXCI    2. (a)  22,110   (b) 2,25,124
                         (e)  CCCXXVI  (f) XLV   (g) CCCLXXI  (h) LXXXI      (c)  2,60,473   (d) 4,38,922
                        (i) CCLXXX  (j) LXIV
                                                                          3.  (a)  11,434; Eleven thousand four hundred thirty-four
                      3. (a)  IV       (b) CCLXXVI     (c) LIII
                                                                             (b)   23,341; Twenty-three thousand three hundred
                        (d)  DCC       (e) CXCIX       (f) C                   forty-one
                      4. (a)  XCII     (b) CXL         (c) CCCXXVIII         (c)   3,33,202; Three lakh thirty-three thousand two
                        (d)  CXII      (e) CVIII       (f) C                   hundred two

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