Page 227 - ICSE Math 5
P. 227

Chapter 9: Geometry

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                         Draw beau  ful designs using various geometrical shapes in a chart paper. Colour these designs.
                         Observe your surroundings carefully and draw a few fi gures which are symmetrical. Draw lines
                          of symmetry in these fi gures.

                         Take a box of an object and open it. Trace the net of the box. Then use the net so traced to create
                           the box. You can do the same by collec  ng boxes of various shapes and sizes.
                     Integrate with Science

                     Defi ne solids, liquids and gases. Discuss whether you can fi nd the area and perimeter of solids, liquids
                     and gases. Give reason(s) in support of your answer.

                     Chapter 10: Perimeter and Area

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Take some rectangular and square-shaped objects from your surrounding and trace the outlines of
                     these objects. Find the lengths of the sides of these traced shapes. Then fi nd their perimeter and area.

                     Chapter 11: Metric System
                     Integrate with Science

                     Using the Internet, fi nd various devices that we use to measure length, weight and capacity of the
                     three states of ma  er. Give suitable examples.
                     Chapter 12: Time and Money

                     Integrate with Social Studies

                     Using the Internet, fi nd the   me diff erence between the following countries.

                                 Countries                                 Time Diff erence
                                                   Singapore is 2 hours 30 minutes ahead of India. So, for example,
                          India and Singapore
                                                   if it is 3:00 p.m. in India, it will be 5:30 p.m. in Singapore.
                          Australia and Germany

                          France and New Zealand

                          Sweden and Japan

                          Greece and Canada

                          Belgium and Iceland

                     Based on your observa  ons, answer the following ques  ons.

                     (a)  What will be the   me in Germany if it is 8:00 a.m. in Australia?
                     (b)  What will be the   me in France if it is 1:00 p.m. in New Zealand?

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