Page 235 - ICSE Math 5
P. 235

5               6               8           Review Exercise
                     9.  (a)   ; 0.5   (b)    ; 0.06   (c)  2  ; 2.8
                           10              100             10             1.  (a)  Place value of 4 is 4 thousands, i.e., 4,000.
                              4               3            44                     Place value of 9 is 9 hundreds, i.e., 900.
                        (d) 30  ; 30.4   (e)  19  ; 19.03  (f)   ; 0.44
                             10              100          100                   Place value of 7 is 7 tens, i.e., 70.
                    Exercise 7.2                                                Place value of 2 is 2 ones, i.e., 2.
                      1.  (a)  14.6 and 100.9; 7.21 and 28.04                   Place value of 4 is 4 tenths, i.e.,   .
                         (b)  79.8 and 120.2; 19.04 and 13.75                                                 8
                                                                                  Place value of 8 is 8 hundredths, i.e.,   .
                         (c)  1.02 and 6.07; 2.348 and 21.186                                                100
                         (d)  0.24 and 1.26; 0.591 and 3.009                      Place value of 5 is 5 thousandths, i.e.,   .
                      2.  (a)  64.480, 92.400, 7.175, 128.300                                     4    8    5
                                                                                4,000 + 900 + 70 + 2 +    +    +
                         (b)  3.1426, 19.0700, 25.8000, 41.0020                                   10  100  1000
                         (c)  59.0800, 617.0190, 28.1026, 88.5000            (b)  Place value of 3 is 3 hundreds, i.e., 300.
                                                                                Place value of 6 is 6 tens, i.e., 60.
                         (d)  14.0300, 256.9000, 74.2150, 439.1764
                                                                                Place value of 8 is 8 ones, i.e., 8.
                      3.  (a)  >    (b)   <   (c)   <   (d)   >   (e)   =   (f)   <                       5
                         (g)   <   (h)   >   (i)   <                            Place value of 5 is 5 tenths, i.e.,   .
                      4.  (a)  0.40 < 0.53 < 0.60   (b)  0.04 < 0.14 < 1.04                                   2
                                                                                  Place value of 2 is 2 hundredths, i.e.,   .
                         (c)  0.006 < 0.014 < 0.800  (d)  3.460 < 7.162 < 19.900                             100 3
                         (e)  0.048 < 0.380 < 1.650   (f)  8.142 < 8.490 < 8.497            Place value of 3 is 3 thousandths, i.e.,  1000 .
                      5.  (a)  0.56 > 0.53 > 0.25   (b)  2.05 > 0.77 > 0.18          300 + 60 + 8 +   5   +   2   +   3
                         (c)  0.642 > 0.426 > 0.204  (d)  0.76 > 0.67 > 0.26               10  100  1000
                                                                             (c)  Place value of 2 is 2 hundreds, i.e., 200.
                         (e)  4.02 > 3.80 > 3.48   (f)  7.61 > 7.16 > 6.71
                                                                                Place value of 4 is 4 tens, i.e., 40.
                    Exercise 7.3                                                Place value of 3 is 3 ones, i.e., 3.
                     1.  (a)                 (b)                                Place value of 7 is 7 tenths, i.e.,    .
                                                                                  Place value of 9 is 9 hundredths, i.e.,   .
                      2. (a)  5.35     (b) 12.5        (c) 45.055                 Place value of 5 is 5 thousandths, i.e.,   .
                        (d)  26.16     (e) 1,111.2111   (f) 31.218                          7   9     5
                                                                                200 + 40 + 3 +    +    +
                        (g) 19.702 (h) 74 (i) 60.02 (j) 19.614                             10  100  1000
                                                                          2.  (a)  0.74 < 0.81 < 2.09   (b)  0.007 < 0.016 < 0.2
                      3. (a)  10.78    (b) 212.514     (c) 196.426
                                                                             (c)  3.724 < 37.214 < 37.25
                        (d)  4,480.51   (e) 2,181.78   (f) 122.691
                                                                          3.  (a)  0.55 > 0.35 > 0.25   (b)  11.5 > 5.11 > 1.15
                        (g)  112.155   (h) 994.62      (i) 29.65
                                                                             (c)  462.75 > 416.75 > 402.705
                      4. (a)  32.66    (b) 159.21      (c) 148.05
                                                                          4.  (a)  0.03, 150.30, 15.10  (b)   204   =  51    (c) 2.3
                        (d)  70.25     (e) 655.26                                                    100  25
                    Exercise 7.4                                          5. (a)  3.3      (b) 1,367       (c) 1,739.304
                      (a)  6 km        (b)  0.75 m     (c)  7.5 cm          (d)  2,149.906   (e) 5,065.06   (f) 1,747.263
                     (d) 7.18 cm       (e) Shop B; ` 4.25  (f)  0.2 m     6. (a)  31.4     (b) 727.9       (c) 462
                    Exercise 7.5                                            (d)  24,314    (e) 2,06,420    (f) 3647.9
                      1. (a)  831.5    (b) 600.2       (c) 95.34          7. (a)  7.5 kg   (b) 3.250 km    (c) 3.750 L
                        (d)  227.5     (e) 9,384.7     (f) 7,663.2          (d) ` 8,716.25   (e)  ` 279.75; ` 220.25
                        (g)  45,086    (h) 8,970.4     (i) 9,312        Values and Life Skills
                      2. (a)  8.406    (b) 2,924.04    (c) 2,275.2       1.  1.4 kg     2.  No; ` 96.75
                        (d)  11.73     (e) 0.512       (f) 0.1268       Progress Worksheet
                        (g)  107       (h) 48.6648                        1.  (a)  Integral part: 35; Decimal part: 75
                      3. (a)  31.5     (b) 39.52       (c) 36.744            (b)  Integral part: 120; Decimal part: 05
                        (d)  25.650    (e) 65.9502     (f) 140.1498          (c)  Integral part: 5,829; Decimal part: 372
                      4.  (a)  19.04   (b) 190.4   (c) 1.904   (d) 0.1904       (d)  Integral part: 2,685; Decimal part: 027

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