Page 172 - ICSE Math 5
P. 172

Conversion of Hours to Minutes and Vice Versa

                    We can convert hours to minutes and minutes to hours as follows:

                    1 hour (h) = 60 minutes (min) and 1 minute (min) =     1   hour (h)
                     •  To convert hours and minutes to minutes, multiply the given hours with 60 and add the
                          given minutes to it.

                     •  To convert minutes to hours and minutes, divide the given minutes by 60. Write the quotient
                          obtained as number of hours and remainder as number of minutes.

                    Example 3:  Convert 12 hours 15 minutes to minutes.
                    Solution:     12 hours 15 minutes = (12 × 60) minutes + 15 minutes
                                                        = 720 minutes + 15 minutes = 735 minutes

                    Example 4:  Convert 465 minutes to hours and minutes.

                    Solution:     465 minutes =   465      (since 1 minute =        1   hour)
                                                  60                               60
                                                = 7 hours 45 minutes

                    Conversion of Minutes to Seconds and Vice Versa

                    We can convert minutes to seconds and seconds to minutes as follows:

                    1 minute (min) = 60 seconds (s) and 1 second (s) =       minute (min)
                     •  To convert minutes and seconds to seconds, multiply the given minutes with 60 and add
                          the given seconds to it.

                     •  To convert seconds to minutes and seconds, divide the given seconds by 60. Write the
                          quotient obtained as number of minutes and remainder as number of seconds.
                    Example 5:  Convert 240 minutes to seconds.

                    Solution:     240 minutes = 240 × 60 seconds = 14,400 seconds
                    Example 6:  Convert 3,600 seconds to minutes.

                    Solution:     3,600 seconds =   3,600   minutes = 60 minutes

                              Exercise 12.1

                      1.  Convert the following to minutes.
                            (a)  5 hours                    (b)  12 hours                    (c)  7 hours 30 minutes

                           (d)  2 hours 10 minutes          (e)  7 hours 5 minutes           (f)  4 hours 55 minutes
                      2.  Convert the following to hours and minutes.

                            (a) 145 minutes                 (b) 100 minutes                  (c) 350 minutes
                           (d) 540 minutes                  (e) 125 minutes                  (f) 450 minutes

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