Page 170 - ICSE Math 5
P. 170

Progress Worksheet

                     Mental Maths

                      1.  Fill in the blanks.

                            (a)  The standard unit of capacity is ___________.
                           (b)  1 hm = ___________ cm

                            (c)  Multiply by ___________ to go to a smaller unit.
                           (d)  The decimal notation of 2 km 5 hm 6 dam 4 m is ___________.

                            (e)  To multiply or divide the metric units, we first convert the given measure in
                                ___________ and then perform calculations.

                      2.  Write True or False.

                            (a)  Centigram is a larger unit when compared to the standard unit of weight.
                           (b)  To convert 1 km to dam, one should divide the value by 100.

                            (c)  0.56 m = 56 cm

                           (d)  1 g = 0.001 kg
                            (e)  25 m is a shorter distance than 25 km.

                     Solve and Answer

                      3.  Express the following measures in decimal form and then do as directed.
                            (a)  Add 65 g 5 mg, 2 g 3 cg and 15 g 6 mg.

                           (b)  Subtract 92 m 65 cm from 235 m 29 cm.

                            (c)  Multiply 52 daL 5 L 9 dL 8 cL by 17.
                           (d)  Divide 4 kg 6 dag 8 g by 2.

                      4.  What should be added to 345.89 kg to get 562.561 kg?

                      5.  By how much 56.45 daL is smaller than 95.28 daL?

                      6.  A car covers 65.225 km in the first hour, 48.58 km in the second hour and 58.458 km in
                           the third hour. How much distance does the car cover in all?

                      7.  A bucket initially had 19.65 L of water in it. Due to leakage, 3.815 L of water flowed out
                           in an hour. How much water was left there in the bucket?

                      8.  The weight of three boys measure 25.225 kg, 32.654 kg and 35.258 kg. Is their combined
                           weight more than the weight of a man who weighs 92.645 kg?

                      9.  Multiply 65 dag 4 mg by 7 and express the answer in kg.

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