Page 171 - ICSE Math 5
P. 171

                            12            Time and Moneyime and Money

                     Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:
                          about larger and smaller units of time and money.
                          the conversion of time and money from larger to smaller units and vice versa.
                          to solve daily life problems involving time and money.


                    We know that there are two types of clocks: a 12-hour clock and a 24-hour clock. The time from
                    12 midnight to 12 noon is expressed as a.m. while the time from 12 noon to 12 midnight is
                    expressed as p.m.

                    The format of a 24-hour clock is hours : minutes or hours : minutes : seconds.

                    We have already learnt the following conversion of days, hours and minutes.
                        1 day      =  24 hours                        1 hour  =  60 minutes

                        1 minute  =  60 seconds                       7 days  =  1 week

                        1 year     =  365 or 366 days (in case of a leap year)

                    Conversion of Days to Hours and Vice Versa

                    We can convert days to hours and hours to days as follows:

                    1 day = 24 hours (h) and 1 hour (h) =   1   day

                     •  To convert days and hours to hours, multiply the given days by 24 and add the given hours
                          to it.

                     •  To convert hours to days and hours, divide the given hours by 24. Write the quotient
                          obtained as number of days and remainder as number of hours.
                    Example 1:  Convert (a) 5 days and (b) 7 days 14 hours to hours.

                    Solution:     (a)  5 days = 5 × 24 hours = 120 hours

                                  (b)  7 days 14 hours = (7 × 24) hours + 14 hours
                                                        = 168 hours + 14 hours = 182 hours

                    Example 2:  Convert 640 hours to days and hours.

                    Solution:     640 hours =  640      (since 1 hour =        1   day)
                                                24                            24
                                             = 26 days 16 hours

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