Page 169 - ICSE Math 5
P. 169


                         What To Do?

                         To estimate the volume of a bucket using a mug and a measuring glass
                         What We Need?
                         An empty bucket, water, mug and a measuring glass

                         How To Do?
                                Fill the bucket by adding water into it using a mug till it is full.
                                Count the number of mugs of water you used to fill the bucket.
                                The capacity of the bucket will be the total number of mugs of water used to fill it.

                               Capacity of the bucket = _______ number of mugs of water
                                Now measure the capacity of the mug with the help of a measuring glass.
                         You can make your own 100 mL measuring glass using an empty and disposable plastic glass
                         and a syringe of 10 mL capacity (without needle) in three simple steps.
                                Hold the syringe and dip it in the container that contains water. Pull back the plunger of
                               the syringe until 10 mL of water is drawn into it.
                                Empty 10 mL water into the disposable glass and mark the level as 10 mL on it using a
                                marker without disturbing.

                               Repeat the above two steps for nine more times till you mark 100 mL on the
                               glass.  Your 100 mL measuring glass is ready to measure the capacity of the mug.
                               Capacity of the mug = _________ mL = _________ L (when measured using the
                               measuring glass)
                                Capacity/volume of the bucket = _________ number of mugs of water

                                                                  = _________ mL of water
                                                                  = _________ L of water.

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