Page 184 - ICSE Math 4
P. 184
Number Patterns
We know that numbers also follow a pa ern. They are arranged in a specifi c order
according to the rule.
Look at the basket of apples shown alongside. You can
see that the number of apples are increasing by 2 in
each basket. We can say that it forms a pa ern.
+2 +2
A number pa ern can have more than one rule in a single arrangement. Let’s learn to
form number pa erns in a single arrangement with one or more rules.
In mathema cs, number pa erns are usually about predic on. They either increase or
decrease in the given series of numbers. We can add, subtract, mul ply or divide the
numbers to predict the pa ern.
Consider the numbers 2, 6, 7, 21 and 22. Let’s see how we can predict the pa ern in the
given number series.
+4 +1 +14 +1
2 6 7 21 22
Here, we started from 2 and added 4, 1, 14 and 1 to reach 22. Thus, +4, +1, +14 and +1
does not form a pa ern.
Look at the other pa ern formed.
×3 +1 ×3 +1
2 6 7 21 22
Here, we started from 2 and mul plied it with 3 to go to the next number and then added
1 to the product obtained to reach its next number. Similarly, to get the next two numbers,
we fi rst mul plied by 3 and then added 1 to the product obtained. Thus, ×3 and +1 forms
a pa ern.
Therefore, we can say that by seeing the rela onship between 3 or 4 consecu ve numbers
in a sequence, we can predict its pa ern.
Shape Patterns
In shape pa ern, we arrange shapes to follow a rule. The pa ern can be iden fi ed by
comparing the fi rst few shapes of the given pa ern. A pa ern of shapes can have only one
shape or many diff erent shapes.
Example 2: Complete the given shape pa ern by iden fying the rule.
_____ _____ _____ _____ ____