Page 189 - ICSE Math 4
P. 189

Example 4:  Find the next number of the following pa  erns and write the rule.
                                  (a)  95, 90, 85, 80, 75, ___

                                  (b)  480, 240, 120, 60, 30, ___

                    Solu  on:     (a)   In the given pa  ern of numbers, we can see that the numbers are
                                       arranged in a decreasing order. The rule followed in this pa  ern is to
                                       start at 95 and subtract 5 each   me from the previous number.

                                        95          90           85           80          75         _____

                                              –5          –5           –5           –5           –5

                                       Therefore, the required number in the given pa  ern is 75 – 5 = 70.

                                  (b)   In the given pa  ern of numbers, the rule followed is to start at 480 and
                                       half the number or divide the previous number by 2 to obtain the next

                                       480          240         120           60          30         _____

                                              2          2           2           2           2
                                  Therefore, the required number in

                                  the given pa  ern is 30 ÷ 2 = 15.
                    Growing Shape Pattern                                               Mental Maths
                                                                               Fill in the blanks by observing the
                    In a growing shape pa  ern, the pa  ern grows              given number patterns.
                    due to the addi  on of a new shape or a unit to            (a)  73, 76, 79, ____ , 85, ____ , ____
                    the already exis  ng shape or unit. Look at the            (b)  45, ____ , 35 , ____ , 30, 25, 20
                    shape pa  ern given below.

                           1         2             1         2          2           1         2         2         2
                             unit 1                         unit 2                                unit 3

                    Observe that the pa  ern rule here is to add a new shape (triangle) to the already exis  ng
                    unit of shapes. It can also be seen as 1 2; 1 2 2; 1 2 2 2 and so on.
                    Example 5:  Complete the given shape pa  erns by iden  fying the pa  ern rule.


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