Page 179 - ICSE Math 4
P. 179
Exercise 13.2
1. The bar graph given alongside shows Students whose names start with A, D, H, I, K, R and S
the number of students in a class
Scale: 1 square = 2 students
whose names start with A, D, H, I, K,
R and S. S
Read the bar graph care fully and
answer the following ques ons. R
(a) What type of a bar graph is given K
(b) How many names start with le ers Le ers with which names start I
D and I?
(c) With which le er do the most H
names start? D
(d) How many names start with H?
(e) How many students are there in
the class?
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of students
AƩ endance of 50 workers for fi ve days
2. The a endance of a par cular group of
50 workers for fi ve days is represented Scale: 1 square = 10 workers
on the bar graph given alongside. Read
it carefully and answer the ques ons 50
that follow. 40
(a) On which days was the a endance Number of workers present 30
the same? 20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
(b) What is the diff erence between Friday
the maximum and minimum Days
a endance?
(c) On which day were 15 workers absent?
(d) On which day were the maximum number of workers absent?