Page 177 - ICSE Math 4
P. 177

(d)  What is the total number of friends who like Grapes and Apples?
                           (e)  What is the total number of friends whom Annie and Maria ask about their
                                favourite fruits?

                      3.  The table given alongside shows the number of
                                                                                       Florists Number of Flowers
                           flowers sold by fi ve florists in two months.
                                                                                          A              2,300
                          Using the given informa  on, draw a pictograph
                           and answer the following ques  ons.                            B              1,900

                           (a)  How many flowers did the florists sell in all?            C              3,400
                           (b)  How many more flowers did florist D sell                  D              2,900
                                than florist B?
                                                                                          E              3,700
                            (c)  Who sold the minimum and the maximum
                                number of flowers?

                           (d)  What is the total number of fl owers sold by florist E and florist C?
                           (e)  How many more flowers need to be sold to have a total of 20,000 flowers?

                    Bar Graphs

                    A bar graph is another way of represen  ng the collected data by drawing bars of diff erent
                    heights. It consists of a ver  cal line and a horizontal line that meet at a certain point
                    marked 0 (zero). We usually draw a bar graph by selec  ng an appropriate scale. Bars are
                    drawn by keeping equal space between them.

                    Just like a pictograph, a bar graph helps us to compare the given data or informa  on. It
                    can be represented both horizontally and ver  cally.
                                                                                    Flavours of juices liked by children
                    Horizontal Bar Graph                                                     Scale: 1 square = 2 children

                    Example 2:  The horizontal bar graph given
                                                                                      Mixed fruit
                                  alongside shows the number of
                                  children in a locality who like diff erent
                                  flavours of juices. Observe it carefully
                                  and answer the following ques  ons.                 Guava
                                  (a)   Which flavour of juice is the most

                                       liked?                                         Grape
                                  (b)   Which flavour of juice is the least
                                       liked?                                     Flavours of juices  Mango

                                  (c)   How many children like the                    Orange
                                       mixed fruit flavour of juice?

                                  (d)   Find the total number of children           0  2  4  6  8  10 12 14  16 18 20
                                       depicted in the bar graph.                        Number of children

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