Page 69 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 69

4.  This story is presented as a                          between two characters.

                           5.  The topic of the                         is whether children should use mobile
                                phones or not.

                           6.  This software helps us                          with friends online.

                   C          Grammar

                    Read the following sentences:

                           The chameleon can change its colour.

                           The hermit can explain the nature of God.

                           Rajaram, Shyamlal and Bahadur  can solve the mystery of the strange

                    We use can to say that someone has the ability or skill to do something.

                           The chameleon has the ability to change its colour.

                           The hermit has the ability to explain the nature of God.
                           Rajaram, Shyamlal and Bahadur have the ability to solve the mystery of the

                           strange creature.

                    Sentences that use can have the following structure:

                                  the subject + can + main verb + other parts of the sentence

                                    subject                      main verb other parts of the sentence

                            Manzar                               swim.          —
                            She                                  speak          Assamese.
                            Celine and Roshan                    make           toys with waste paper.

                    Notice that when can is used the main verb will not take -s, -es, -d or -ed. The main
                    verb will not change according to number or tense when can is used.
                           Manzar swims.

                           Manzar can swims.

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