Page 66 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 66

SHYAMLAL  :  Sir, you are a wise man. We are sorry about our meaningless

                    HERMIT      :  The debate about God is like your argument. Those who know God
                                   closely will have no doubt about His nature. You may have heard
                                   people say: ‘What I am saying is right, others are wrong’, ‘My way is

                                   the only way, and all others are misguided’. These are arguments of
                                   the foolish and the ignorant. There are many different and correct
                                   points of view about truth.

                    BAHADUR     :  Thank you sir. You have taught us an important lesson. We shall share
                                   this with all the villagers.
                                  Rajaram, Shyamlal and Bahadur thank the hermit and return to the


                   A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Answer these ques  ons.

                           1.  What was Rajaram’s joke about Bahadur?

                           2.  Why was Bahadur late for the friends’ meeting?
                           3.  Shyamlal says Rajaram should take medicine for                               . According
                                to Rajaram, Shyamlal and Bahadur are suffering from                                .

                           4.  Why did the creature appear in different colours to Rajaram, Shyamlal

                                and Bahadur?
                           5.  Find out the word for the phenomenon of animals changing their colour
                                to match their surroundings. It begins with C.

                           6.  Which of the following is the most important message of the play?

                                 a)  Making fun of others leads to quarrel.

                                 b)  Chameleons are wonderful creatures.

                                 c) Hermits, sadhus and godmen know more about God than ordinary

                                 d)  We should respect other people’s opinions and beliefs.

                     misguided : led in wrong ways                       the ignorant : people without

                     the foolish : people who are foolish                       knowledge
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