Page 64 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 64

BAHADUR     :  I saw a strange creature today on the banyan tree near the great Buffalo

                                   Lake in the forest. It was still like a stone. It looked so frightening. It
                                   was blood-red in colour.
                    SHYAMLAL  :  Oh yes, I know about this creature. Last week, one of my master’s

                                   horses had gone missing. I went to the Buffalo Lake looking for it.
                                   There I saw this strange creature. But it was green, not red as you

                    BAHADUR     : [Puzzled] But how can that be? It looked all the more terrible because
                                   of its red colour.
                    RAJARAM     :  Very well my friends, you are both right except about one thing.

                    SHYAMLAL :  [Eagerly] What is that?

                    RAJARAM     :  About the colour of the creature.

                    BAHADUR     :  Then what colour do you think it is?

                    RAJARAM     :  The strange creature in the jungle has a special bluish colour. I have
                                   seen it quite many times while collecting herbs from the forest.
                    SHYAMLAL :  [Laughing] This is very funny. Why don’t you ask your master, the
                                   doctor, to give you some medicine for madness? [Looking at Bahadur]

                                   What do you say Bahadur?
                    BAHADUR     :  Yes . . . if the medicine is bitter, let me know Rajaram. I’ll give you

                                   some honey to mix it with.

                    RAJARAM     : [Angrily] Shut up you fools! It is you two who need medicine, for

                    Rajaram and Shyamlal shout at each other. Shyamlal gets angry.

                    SHYAMLAL  :  I’ll break your head you quack!

                                   Shyamlal pulls Rajaram by the collar.

                    BAHADUR     : [Pushing Rajaram and Shyamlal apart] Calm down, Shyamlal and
                                   Rajaram. Let’s not fight over little things. Why can’t we go to the
                                   banyan tree together and see what colour the creature is?
                    RAJARAM     :  Yes, that sounds better.

                    SHYAMLAL :  Let’s go straight away then.

                     bluish : almost blue in colour                      quack : a person who pretends to
                     herbs : sweet-smelling plants used in                      know about medicines

                            medicine or food                             straight away : at once
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