Page 68 - Viva Real English 4 : Ebook
P. 68

Talking Words
                    Chat, discuss, argue and debate are words that describe some type of exchange of

                    information, ideas and opinions. Read the following table of talking words, their
                    meanings and noun forms.

                        talking word (verb)                    meaning                         noun form

                     chat                             talk in a friendly and         chat
                     We chat with friends after  informal way                        I had a long chat with
                     school.                                                         Meena yesterday.

                     converse                         talk informally                conversation
                     Rinku converses with the                                        What was the topic of your
                     driver of his school bus                                        conversation with Mangal?
                     on the way to school.

                     discuss                          talk with somebody             discussion
                     Shall we discuss the             to make a decision or          My discussion with the
                     answers to the maths             conclusion                     teacher was very useful.

                     argue                            speak angrily with             argument
                     Let’s not argue about            someone because you            TV shows are full of
                     little things.                   disagree with them             arguments.
                     debate                           discuss formally to            debate

                     The class is debating            decide something or to  After a long debate they
                     about the picnic.                solve a problem                decided to cancel the picnic.
                     gossip                           talk informally about          gossip

                     The teacher caught the           other people                   Don’t believe all the gossip
                     girls who were gossiping                                        you hear.
                     in the class.

                    B2.  Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable talking words

                           from the table above. Write in the boxes whether the talking word you
                           chose is a verb or a noun.

                           1.  Which came first: chicken or egg? The                              continues.

                           2.  Some of our classmates say that our class teacher is going to another
                                school. We are sure that it is mere                           .

                           3.  ‘Solve these questions yourselves. Don’t                              with others,’ the

                                teacher said when she gave the homework.
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